
2355 Words

*Amorah* "You can't go, Amorah" I turn looking at Matthew, hardly able to believe my ears. If he thinks he can keep me out of this battle, then he's sadly mistaken. "Matthew, can we discuss this in private?" I ask, aware of the number of eyes on us right now. Matthew nods, getting up from his seat and following me into the hallway. "Amorah... " he starts as soon as the door closes behind us. "It isn't safe for you to come. I need you to stay here." "Absolutely not" I declare, without hesitating. There's no way I'm going to let my mate walk into this battle without me by his side. It's not happening. "Amorah" Matthew says, a pleading tone in his voice "This is a serious fight. I have no idea what's going to happen and I don't think I can focus on this battle if I'm worried about

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