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CHAPTER FIVE “Oh man!” Phoenix groaned. He raised a fist and shook it toward the ceiling. “C’mon! An army of clay soldiers coming to life? Even I know that one. A little originality here, please?” “Who are you talking to?” Marcus dropped into a fighters crouch, his eyes never leaving the slow-moving wall of automatons. “Nevermind,” Phoenix muttered. “You were the one who said they were spelled to come to life if the tomb was raided,” Marcus reminded him. “It was a joke, ok? I didn’t expect them to be this predictable. Brynn! Get out here!” he yelled, backing up against his horse. The animal snorted at him and pushed back. Marcus cast a quick look at the steep, mud-covered ramp. It glistened with rain. “We’ll never get the horses up that, or into the Bag in time.” The ter

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