Episode Eighty

1071 Words
The stinging sensation in her shoulder was nothing compared to how terrified she was inside. Her heartbeats began to race nervously, giving her an affrighted feeling. They arrived after a three-hour drive. Now she found herself staring at the strong and slender poles of the entrance. She had well-nigh forgotten to breathe, the place looked like some gods' and goddesses' lairs. It nearly looked like a modern palace that was built proudly in the middle of the flat surface. The only lights that gave shadow were the lanterns; strong and emotionless guards stood still on each pole. Carrying those massive and large guns in their hands. "Want to come out now?," She forgot that she was still inside, gawking foolishly outside of the car. Teo had already exited the door, leaving her dumbfounded as to where he had taken her. "You didn't answer my question earlier," her intrepid mouth muttered after she had stood up. She just realized that her height didn't reach his shoulders, which made her look like a tiny and hopeless woman staring at him above. "Don't worry, Lady. You will still be able to breathe. Let's keep going if you don't want us to be greeted with bullets for being late." He spoke calmly without a hint of jovialness, which also strengthened her back from the tension. 'What to do,?' She could only mutter and question her own mind. The courage of her bravery earlier had gone unsighted, replaced with her cold tiny lips and perspiration. In the midst of their walks, her peripheral vision noticed how tall and big the guards were. She was like a lost child, silently following Teo who walked fastidiously in the dim pathway. But the golden carpet fascinated her and at the same time woke her curiosity. 'What are they?' Is this some kind of mafia organization? Samantha had mentioned another name for it before. Dang. This is getting heavier.--' "Compose yourself, Lady. We were about to enter the hall of elders. Try not to make any eye contact with them, for you to ease your trembling knees." The man spoke jovially to her and chuckled afterwards. She was glad he could still make some jolly expression in the midst of her shaking nerves. Obliviously, her stubborn mouth lets out a nervous snigger as she follows him. " Welcome, Sire. The dinner will begin in 10 minutes. Please prepare yourself and proceed to the dining hall as we will wait for the elders." She couldn't help but to throw a glance at the man in front of them. He was in his 30s. Tall, dark and good looking. But the clothes he was wearing mostly caught her attention. It reached the marble floor, preventing his foot from exposure. The sleeves were on his wrist, and there was a hood attached to his back. 'Are they going to perform some ritual,?' She was thankful that no one had heard her. It's probably only in her mind, but the ambience and tensions were making her paranoid. "Will do, Serro." Teo took her arms as they cast away from the entrance. She silently groaned from the pain in her shoulder. The man had forgotten that she had been wounded. "What are the elders like, Ted?" Her thoughts came up with a nickname for him. It's better than Teo and much easier to say. "Don't worry, they're all nice people. Old and nicey people." She could tell the difference between real nice on how he spoke it. Her spine shivered at the thought that it was the opposite definition of nice. "And why am I here again? You didn't mention it earlier." Her presence was not that necessary and pleasing to the said dinner. She had no idea what it was and where it would go. "Oh. I didn't have anyone to accompany me earlier. So I thought I could take you with me. It was a three-hour drive and it's making me bored, but not together with you." Now she was left dumbfounded and surprised. "You mean,my presence wasn't really required? What the heck! This is madness, Ted! How come you brought me to this menacing place?" She stamped her foot annoyingly. It wasn't difficult since she was wearing only black boots. Only his chuckle was the response before he grabbed her again inside the dining hall. For the second time, she grunted from the pain in her shoulder again. Causing her to throw a dead glare at Teo's broad and well-built back. "It's nice to see you here, Jassy. Didn't take long to see you again.," It was Samantha who stole her away from Teo. They were in the wide range part of the dining hall, but they were still not at the table. She was a little bit at ease to see her, the woman still had the same intimidating aura and beauty. " It's Jessy, and your indolent cousin exigently grabbed me into this," The mischievous woman laughed in subdued expression. She was trying hard enough not to stamp her foot on the floor. Teo was with another companion, jovially chatting with them. "Well, anything could possibly go wrong. I was expecting you to be with him. You'd definitely kill yourself from the boredom at home. And having dinner with the elderly will be much more exciting, you know. It's a once in a lifetime experience," on a second attempt, her flustered snicker was the only one she could respond. It took her 1 hour to get attached to the place, getting used to such a bone-chilling ambience was not easy for her. She nearly forgot to breathe normally from the spine-chilling feeling she had. "Uh? What are elders like, by the way? Teo won't give me tiny details about them. It's making me curious." It probably helps her to feel a little less flustered if she knew a single piece of information about them. Her mind was imagining them as scary old people who heartlessly demand orders and take lives without blinking. " I see, you brought a friend. There are unfamiliar faces to be discussed later, am I right?," It was a deep and stern voice which stormed like thunder in the dining hall. She had noticed Samantha's wicked smile before turning her back to where the person was. Unlike her, being glued in her position trying to warm her cold hands as she gets ready for what's next.
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