Day Five He fell asleep… Slasher awoke with his head throbbing and once again. "I fell asleep," he whispered as he closed his eyes in the moist thin air. A bead of sweat trailed onto his cheek, which he quickly wiped away. And was deep in thought about whys and hows. “How come?” Slasher cursed himself as he reflected on how quickly he had fallen asleep again. "How many hours have I spent since then? I'd lost count," he said, punching the bed in frustration. He notices how pale he is and how skinny his wrist has become. Slasher can't help but scream at the top of his lungs. He doesn't care who comes to check on him. He feels like screaming. He was tired of it. Slasher believes he will be there for many years, if not forever. What happens next? What will become of him? "Gu