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He dreaded the journey towards Greenhill Palace, but nobody else could do it except for him. His brother, George Blackwood, has a prior engagement. It took him and his party about two nights of travel, and he could tell that his men were also wary. Zacharias Blackwood gritted his teeth as soon as the Lord of the Keep welcomed his party of men.  “Your Grace,” he greeted the middle-aged man. Thomas Montgomery was the Duke of Dewbury, aside from being the King’s brother. Some years ago, he left the palace and chose to live peacefully in Greenhill Palace. He was informed that Lord Thomas Montgomery has something in his possession that could help his family advance in their rebellion plan. His mission was tricky! He could lose his head in the process, which was probably one reason why his brother lied about a previous engagement! He was acquainted with the King’s brother, but he doubted if Lord Thomas Montgomery remembered the likes of him. Lord Thomas was a handsome fellow. His beautiful, lived-in face was framed by white, short hair that gently fell over it. Hooded green eyes nestled gracefully inside their sockets, and they cast a heartfelt gaze towards him. His dark stubble was a lovely complement to his cheeks, and it served as a wonderful reminder of his history. In the old days, Thomas Montgomery was a genuine fighter among his people. Like him, the man was also the spare if something terrible would happen to the heir. Despite his imposing stature, he held his own among his peers. “Blackwood,” Thomas acknowledged the man’s presence before him. “You arrive earlier than expected!” “Thank you for letting me visit you, my lord. I did not want to cause further inconvenience, so we rode as fast as we could,” he answered. “You must be weary from your journey,” Thomas said, and then he called for some assistance. “Take this gentleman to their bedchamber,” he ordered, and the servants just nodded in agreement. “I’ve prepared a nice and warm bath for you, Blackwood.” “It’s not necessary, sir.” “Be at ease with me, Blackwood. How’s your brother, by the way?’ Thomas asked as he led the way towards the chamber that his esteemed guest would be using. “He’s doing great, sir, and thank you for asking.” “Son, you are in Greenhill Palace! Who cares about formality when it’s just us?” Thomas asked his guest. “I heard about your engagement to the Princess,” he stated, although he has some doubts why it was the second son who was engaged to Princess Lucienne. “Your niece insisted on it, and despite the King’s protest, she won’t have George as her husband!’             Thomas clenched his jaw as he recalled how the King mistreated his first wife over a baseless rumour, courtesy of Lucienne’s mother. “The King must have loved her dearly,” he commented.             “Aye, I think so too,” Zacharias agreed to Lord Montgomery’s sentiments.              “Where’s your valet?’ Thomas asked as soon as he noticed that nobody followed them towards the guest room where the Duke of Hartwell would be staying.             “I have none,” he replied, which caused Lord Thomas to arch his brow. “I can manage with myself,” he added as an explanation why he didn’t bring his valet with him.             “Go inside now and take a rest. In a moment, I will send someone to help your bath,” Thomas assured his guest that he would be in good hands. He bid goodbye to Zacharias Blackwood and hurried up to look for the brat. She was supposed to be present as soon as the guest would arrive, but she was nowhere to be found, and he wondered if she has gone to the forest again!             Thomas scowled heavily as he went towards Bridgette’s chamber and knocked on the wooden panel. After several attempts, finally, someone opened the door, and he wasn’t surprised at all. “For heaven’s sake, what happened to your hair?” He questioned the young lady for having some leaves on her hair as if she just returned from doing something in the woods!             Bridgette smiled at the man outside her chamber, and she could tell he was so worked up. “Is something amiss?” She inquired.             “The guests have arrived, and the Duke of Hartwell is waiting for you, milady,” he informed her.             She nodded her head in agreement. If the Duke of Dewbury would ask her to die for him, she would gladly do it. Since the time he rescued her, she vowed to do anything for him, but he acted as her father over the years that he kept her safe in Greenhill Palace. To keep her safe, people inside the Palace were limited to cook and guards.             “I will take care of it, Father,” she promised him.             “Can you really do it? After all, you are not married!” Initially, he was scandalized at the thought of having Bridgette served the Duke of Hartwell, but his people were limited. Amongst everyone living in the palace, the presence of a woman was a seldom occurrence. He used to employ a woman that could be Bridgette’s companion, but the wench started a rumour about them. Since then, he refused to employ anyone of the opposite s*x!             “I guess I have to try the dress that Alexander has made for me,” she stated.             “Just for a few days, Bridgette. The Duke will only stay for a couple of days, and then he will go back to where he came from,” he explained.             “Don’t worry, Father. I will not disappoint you tonight,” she promised, but he just snorted at her assurance to serve the Duke will all of her might. “You really have a trust issue with me, milord,” she jested.             “Mayhaps, you should check yourself in the mirror. Now, hurry up, you witch!” He responded with a jest, and soon, they both laughed at their jokes.             “Is he handsome?” Bridgette asked, but there was no response from Lord Thomas Montgomery. Nevertheless, she went to change her outfit into something appropriate for a daughter of the Keep. She was not talented in doing her hair, so the least she could do to make herself presentable in the eyes of a Duke was to comb it and leave them be.             A few moments later, Bridgette entered into a dimmed room where their esteemed guest was resting. However, it was a mistake not to knock before going in. Her eyes widened in surprise upon seeing a naked man. She screamed in shock, but he was fast enough to cover her mouth.             “You’re naked!” She complained.             “Did you expect me to bathe with my clothes on?” He replied with a question.             “Y-yes,” she said.             “It’s unlikely to happen. Please led the way,” he ordered. 
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