Chapter Two

1407 Words
~Isabella's POV~ The room was filled with silence as his icy gaze fixed on me, and it felt as though his eyes were piercing through the very core of my being. In the world at large, he was a billionaire, the man built like a god who rarely allowed a smile to grace his lips. But from my life on the unforgiving streets, trying to fend for myself since I lost both my parents, I knew exactly who he was. The stories, the rumors, the dread that his name invoked – it all intensified as I knelt before him. My heart raced, and the fear that had already gripped me dug its claws deeper into my soul. I could almost hear the pounding of my own heart. Finally, he averted his gaze from me as if I were nothing more than a fleeting shadow in his world. "If I wanted s*x slaves," he said, his deep, gravelly voice sending shivers down my spine, "I know where to get them. I have given you enough time to get my money, and—" "Nicholas—" the leader attempted. He cut off the leader with a chilling warning, "Do not interrupt me when I am speaking, or you will not have a tongue by the time I am done with you." Both the leader and I gulped in unison. His eyes flicked back to me briefly, a fleeting glimpse of something I couldn't decipher. Then, he looked away, his demeanor dismissing everyone in the room as beneath him. With a sense of finality, he made a single statement, "Kill them." I wanted to scream, but the sound was caught in my throat. Two men in suits materialized from the shadows in the room, their presence unnoticed until now. The crack of a gunshot rang in my ears, and the leader fell to the ground, his wide eyes locked on me, a bullet hole in his head, a pool of blood forming around my knees. The scream that had been trapped inside me finally erupted, a raw, piercing cry. I tried to flee, to escape from the nightmare, but one of the men in suits seized me. I fought with every ounce of strength I possessed, but it was a futile struggle. Helpless, I watched as the rest of the men fell, some attempting to resist but ultimately overpowered. In the end, it was just Nicholas Maddox and the two men in suits who remained. One of them inquired, "What do we do with her?" Nicholas Maddox, seemingly unfazed by the chaos and violence that had unfolded, simply turned and walked toward the door. With a chilling command, he uttered words that sent a shiver down my very being, "Leave no witnesses." The door slammed shut behind him, sealing my fate. Panic and terror coursed through me, and I braced myself for the worst. The man who held me raised his gun in the air, but then, unexpectedly, the other man spoke up. "Wait. She is of more use to us alive." A tremor of relief washed over me, though I knew it wouldn’t last long. The one holding the gun turned toward his companion, his voice laden with apprehension. "You heard Nicholas. No witnesses." "She wouldn't be able to be a witness once we make the arrangements." Their conversation scared the hell out of me. I had been reduced to a mere pawn in their sinister game, and their intentions for me were far from noble. The one facing me continued, "The men were foolish, but they did make a good point about selling her as a s*x slave. Look at her; she is quite the sight. Men will pay good money for a face and body like hers." The one holding the gun voiced a note of caution, "If Nicholas ever finds out—" But the other man cut him off, "He won't ever find out." The man with the gun lowered his weapon, his expression a mix of resignation and uncertainty. "I will make the arrangements to sell her tonight. Until then, lock her up, and make sure she doesn't run." The final words were emphasized with a tone of warning. As the hours passed, I found myself trapped in a dim, windowless room. The walls seemed to close in on me, and the weight of my predicament pressed heavily on my chest. My mind raced, desperately seeking a glimmer of hope, a plan, an opportunity for escape. Finally, the moment arrived. The door to my makeshift prison swung open, and two men, the same ones who had consigned me to this fate, stood before me. It was time for me to be moved, to be transported to the place where my life as a commodity would begin. With a surge of desperation, I launched into action, fighting back with every ounce of strength I possessed. My assailants were caught off guard, and I broke free from their grasp. My heart pounded, and I raced through a network of corridors, the enormity of the place they had brought me to becoming apparent. It was like an empire, vast and seemingly unending. Behind me, my pursuers gave chase, their footsteps echoing through the vast complex. Fear and adrenaline coursed through my veins as I sprinted toward wherever would lead me out of there, my breaths ragged and frantic. As I reached the door, my trembling hands met its cold surface. My fingers brushed the rough metal, and in the next instant, a deafening gunshot pierced the air. I screamed and spun around, completely freezing on the spot when I met those cold blue eyes. Just then, the two men who had been in pursuit finally caught up, and it was evident that they were in deep trouble. Nicholas Maddox's voice cut through the air, demanding an explanation, "What is going on here?" His gaze remained fixed on me, and something in his eyes flickered, sending a jolt of electricity through my entire being. Fear enveloped me, and I instinctively took a step backward while he moved closer. His voice was calm and controlled as he ordered, "Speak." One of the men stuttered, attempting to explain, "We thought… we shouldn't…" Nicholas Maddox finally tore his gaze away from me, his lips curling up slightly. Even that slight smile was more chilling than when he hadn't smiled at all. "I would kill the two of you on the spot, but I think the girl has witnessed enough violence for a day. Now get out of my sight, I will deal with you later.” Without another word, they disappeared. His attention fully on me once again, he faced me directly. His voice was oddly gentle as he inquired, "What’s your name?" I willed myself to speak, but my voice felt trapped in my throat, and no words emerged. Those lips curved up again, “Are you scared of me?” I could only nod in response to his question. He smiled fully, a transformation that nearly made my knees buckle. I wondered how someone so monstrous could be so beautiful. He leaned in closer, his lips brushing my ear as he whispered, "Don't be scared. I promise I won't hurt you. Now, why don't you tell me your name?" "Isa... my name is Isabella," I whispered, my voice trembling. "Isabella," he repeated as if he could taste the syllables. His gaze was intense, and I couldn't tear my eyes away from the way his lips moved as he spoke. He noticed my fixation, and his lips curled up again. A faint blush stained my cheeks, and I was acutely aware of his proximity. His next question drew my attention away from the strange attraction I felt. "How old are you, Isabella?" I struggled to find my voice, his very presence making it hard to concentrate. "I'm... I'm nineteen, almost twenty." He nodded in response, the subtle approval evident in the way he carried himself. Despite the chaos and darkness that surrounded us, there was an inexplicable sense of connection. Nicholas Maddox stepped away, yet his piercing gaze never wavered. "Well, Isabella, I need you to do me a favor." I swallowed hard, my fear and curiosity battling within me. "What's that?" I managed to ask, my voice barely above a whisper. He regarded me with a seriousness that belied his reputation. "I need you to be my wife."
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