
1235 Words
My mom had a look of pure anger on her face. She looked around glaring at everyone. People looked shocked and avoided her gaze. “I’m sorry but I just needed to make a comment here.” She spit out. “We all know these people were not great and heroic leaders! I'm sure you all remember exactly how I was treated. While they took your pain and lead the pack, they always came back and took it out on me. I'm sure you remember what happened when I found out I didn’t have a wolf. But do you realize the abuse was going on long before that? I remember the first time my parents let me join them for a pack meeting. I was about seven years old. We had a large meeting, right here in this very yard. The meeting was regarding some rogues that had been wandering our woods. Everyone was angry and upset. My parents calmed everyone down and ordered more patrols along the border. They issued a kill order for any rogue that crossed into our territory. They were so calm and in control. Their power and control made me feel so proud of them. That night a group of three rogues crossed into our territory. My father received the notice and sent out five warriors to take then on. Of course, the rogues were killed, but so was one of our warriors. That night my father came into my room. He had been drinking and he was so angry. I had never seen such anger from him before. He started yelling at me about how I was bad luck. That I never should have been born. He wished I was a male who could take his place, not some worthless female. While he was yelling at me he ripped off his belt. I tried to get away from him but it was no use. He beat me bloody that night. The next day I couldn’t even get out of bed.” My mom had tears streaming down her face. Her fists were balled at her side and she was just staring into the fire. “That’s not even the worst of it. Did you know that after I turned twelve years old, beating was apparently not enough. Every time he had to punish someone in the pack, or he had to fight someone, he would again come into my room at night. This time when he took his belt off and beat me, he would follow with using his belt to tie my arms up above my head. Then he would crawl on top of me and rape me. My own father would rape me every time something pissed him off! I was raped several times a week just so he wouldn't take his anger out on the rest of you! This is the man you all idolize and adore? How about when he declared me broken and basically had me outcast? Do you remember that? He ranted and raved about how I was a useless b***h. That I was good for absolutely nothing. Do you remember how all of you avoided me? Not a single one of you would talk to me. Then I met someone who didn’t call me broken. Someone who treated me like a normal human being. So of course, we fell in love. That was the worst thing in the world. Remember how he declared war all because I met someone who didn’t treat me like trash and had the nerve to fall in love? He risked everyone's lives in a war regarding his piece of trash useless daughter. He hated me so much he couldn’t let me be happy. He could have been done with me. Just let me move to their pack and be happy. But no. He had to kill the love of my life and the father of my child just so I wouldn’t be happy. I didn’t run away just because I don’t have a wolf. Most of you know exactly what he did to me! The fact that you all can sit here and say such great things about them. Don’t you dare undermine who they really were. I’m glad they’re dead!” With that my mom stormed off to the house. Everyone was frozen in shock. No one looked at anyone else and no one said a word. I stood up and looked around. “I think it’s time for everyone to leave.” I felt Sasha add power to my statement. Everyone started standing up to leave. Not a single person looked up at me. They filed out with their heads down. I stood there watching until everyone left. There was only one person who didn’t leave with everyone else. Chad. He slowly walked over to me and put his hand on my arm. We looked at each other. His eyes were bright with sadness. As we stared at each other I felt the tears start to fall down my cheeks. He wrapped his arms around me and started rubbing my back. We just stood there for a few minutes until I could get my tears under control. I pulled back and looked up at him. He reached up and wiped a tear from my cheek. He was so kind and caring. I grabbed him behind his neck and pulled him down towards me. I kissed him with a passion I’ve never felt before. Chad wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in close. I had to come up for air and Chad started kissing down my neck. I was panting and could hardly breathe. He nibbled on my neck and grazed his teeth over my shoulder. I pushed back from him and e sat there panting for a few moments before I realized what I had almost just done. “Oh my Goddess. I am so sorry. We shouldn’t have done that. I like you I really do, but this is going too fast.” I got off his lap and started putting myself back together. “No I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have taken advantage of your situation. You were upset. I should have stopped it.” He stood up and walked toward me. “I hope I didn’t disappoint you. I know we shouldn’t have done that, but I really like you. I would love to take you on a date. Get to know each other properly.” I look up at him in shock. The look on his face makes me melt. I lean in and kiss him on his cheek. “I would love that.” He smiles and lifts me up spinning me around. I can’t help but to let out a giggle. He places me back down and kisses me on my forehead. “Until then.” He turns and starts walking away. I watch him until he is gone. Did he really respond like that? I have never known a guy to be so sweet about it and invite me on a date. Maybe I really could be with him. I turn toward the house. I really need to go check on my mom. This night was very upsetting for her. I should make sure she is okay. I walk up past the tables and twinkling lights in the trees. Opening the door, I prepare for anything.
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