Pretend couple

1397 Words

Kayla POV. I drove the car at full speed, speeding towards the town. When I got back to town, I deliberately parked the car on the street 500 yards from Lauren's house. I quickly crossed the alley and quietly approached Lauren's house. As I passed an abandoned house, I pulled a stakeout of its fence by hand. This stake was specially chosen by me. It had been sharpened at one end and was originally nailed into the earth to make the fence stronger, but now it became a weapon I used against Howard. Howard had told me that when a vampire's heart was pierced by a wooden weapon, it would quickly turn into a dry corpse, causing permanent death. Although Howard and I had a huge gap in strength, if he dared to hurt Lauren, even at the cost of my life, I would do my best to pierce Howard's h

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