Chapter 58: I Will

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“Tristan? Are you okay?” There was a shock that has painted on Tristan’s face. He was standing in front of a wall, staring at it as if he was talking to someone. Blaze and Amara found Tristan at that position. His forehead was curled, as if he was having a conversation to someone inside the detention room—and as if there is another person inside the room. The moment that Blaze asked him if he was okay, is also the moment that his curled and serious stares broke down. “Blaze? Amara? What are you doing here?” he asked. “Uhm … we’re here to fetch you,” Amara said. Just as after he told those words, the staffs that is covered in white suit has appeared behind Tristan and Amara. Tristan and Amara was still standing on the doorway, and the appearance of the men in white suits, were as if like they were inside a drama. Seeing the men in white, Tristan felt the anger suddenly rushing and flowing out f his chest once again. He secretly balled his fist in frustration and anger as he mentally asked why do Blaze and Amara trusted their safety to those men in white. However, as he was about to scream and charge towards them, he remembered the thing that ‘See You’ has told him. “When they come, act as if you have sobered up. Act as if you have now reflected on your wrong doings even though you did nothing wrong…” He was not sure why does that unknown thing wanted him to act as if he had already forgiven them, and as if he had forgotten Caspian, but he was certain that she could be trusted. She has been helping him from the start that he came here, that is why there is no reason not to follow what she had told just earlier. Because something might just seriously happen if he would not. “Uhm, Tristan, are you okay?” Amara asked. From reverie, Tristan woke up and gathered his attention back. “Huh? Ah, yeah, I am okay. Sorry,” he said. “You’re calmed now?” Blaze then asked. “Yes. I just … I just realized how stupid I was earlier,” Tristan answered. He certainly was not calmed nor fine. But he was just pretending for the sake of following See You’s advice. For the sake of his safety. What’s the sense of showing his anger and despise in this man-made hell? It would be useless. He needs to hide his anger and frustration and disgust to this place, then act as if he was calmed and that this place was just as normal as the typical highschool life. In that way, he can survive. In that way, he can find ways on how to save others. “Gosh, Tristan! You’re finally back!” Amara said, joyful and celebrating. She hopped joyfully asshe strode towards Tristan. Out of nowhere, she gave him a hug. “I thought you’ll not go back to the usual ‘you’ anymore! I was … I was afraid!” Amara said. She was telling those as if she was doing a scene in a television drama, though the difference is that her acting was overly executed, and her cry would make everyone freaking. However, just after a second that she hugged Tristan, she turned quiet. She hugged Tristan tighter, as if she does not want him to go away anymore. It doesn’t look suspicious if the people in roam was watching them. Blaze and the men in white was looking at them, still thinking that there is nothing wrong that is happening between them. That is their mistake. Because, Amara, the one who kept on looking dumb and i***t, has cleverly looked for ways to secretly talk to Tristan. “Don’t get swayed by this, but act natural. Act as if I am not talking to you. I will tell you something real quick,” Amara said right after she hugged Tristan. She has purposely positioned herself in a hug which her back would be facing towards the men in white. In that way, they would not immediately notice the moving of her mouth. Tristan does not talk. He had heard what Amara said, and it would be dangerous if he would reply something to her. Instead, he softly tapped Amara’s back two times, as a symbol of reply that she can talk. He just hoped that Amara would get it (which, luckily, she did). “I know you’re angry of Caspian’s disappearance. I am too. But … I know where we can find him. It’s just that, don’t expect something great, because we would not have it,” she whispered. Tristan does not reply, nor looked fuming after what Amara told. It was as if he was unaffected by the way she told of not expecting something to the situation of the man. However, inside him, he was screaming and raging with non-extinguishing fire. “Also, do not trust those men in white. They are planning to dispose you if ever they saw that you are still being a bother to the peace of the project Zero. Don’t ever show that you are still angry, even though I know that you are,” she said. It has been a minute already, but Amara kept on hugging Tristan still. If she would not break free from the hug, she would start to look suspicious. “Hey, Amara, stop hugging Tristan already. He needs to go now and take his rest to his own quarter,” Blaze said. He started to walk towards them. “And lastly, I know that this is hard to believe, but … don’t give Blaze too much trust. He’s … he’s—” “Amara, I am okay now.” Suddenly, Tristan cut Amara’s confession. He squeezed her arm tightly to signal her that she now needs to stop her confession. Because a few steps away of them is where Blaze already. She would be heard by him. “Of course I am!” Amara said, quickly returning her voice back to being jolly and cheerful. She laughed out of nowhere. “Don’t you feel it, Tristan? I’ve been sniffing you while I am hugging you earlier. And … I was placing my lips near your pecs so that I can kiss it.” After that, she again laughed as if her joke was the funniest one that has been invented. Tristan was not bothered by the joke, nor even gave it a laugh. None of them, actually. Blaze was not laughing as well, and even the men in white. “You keep on doing gross things, Amara,” Blaze said, shaking his head in disappointment. “I’m sorry! I just can’t stop myself. Look how handsome Tristan was. I would be bawling if I lose opportunity towards him, right?” “Thanks for comforting me, Amara. I just need some rest for now. I’m going back to my quarter,” Tristan said, eyeing Amara with intense pressure. The way how he looks was just like he was saying a ‘thank you’ other than comforting him. It was a word of gratitude for the confession and help she had made. “See,” Amara quickly avoided the drowning stare of Tristan, and then looked back at Blaze. “He even thanked me for kissing his pecs!” “Whatever, Amara. You’re helplessly delusional,” Blaze returned. “What? Delusional? Are you—” “Tristan, let’s go back to your quarters. You need to rest for now.” Blaze cut Amara’s sentence once again, and without any time wasting, he grabbed Tristan’s arm, and dragged him out of the detention room. While they were walking, Amara kept on mumbling, asking, and telling random things towards Blaze because she could not believe that she was called delusional by him. The man in white did not follow them anymore—probably because they were disappointed that they would not be able to kill Tristan—and only the three of them are marching towards the alley where their quarters could be found. Suddenly, Tristan remembered something. “By the way, wasn’t it you’re all at the clinic room because of the incidence of the Red light?” he asked. “Yes. If we’re on a normal hospital, it would take perhaps half a month before we can fully heal. Or maybe more than a month. But in that clinic, it took us only an hour before finally getting fine. Our vitals were just checked, and then we’re just given a pill. We just too it, and then after an hour, the pain was just gone. Like a magic. I am guessing that the one who created that Red light is also the one who created that pill we just took. Maybe it is an antidote for it,” Blaze explained. “What about Raina and the others?” “They’re all fine. They are already resting. It’s just that we’re the one who volunteered fetching you from the detention room, that’s why we’re still awake.” “Hey,” Blaze said, then stopped walking. “My quarter is here.” “And this one’s mine,” Amara pointed the door next to Blaze’s quarter. “Oh, is that? Mine’s still a pace away.” “Do you want me to escort you?” Blaze asked. “No, man. I’m fine. I’ll manage it. Thank you for the help of you two.” “No problem, long as it’s you, Tristan,” Amara flirtingly told. Tristan smiled, and then he started to walk. A pace away of them, Amara shouted to him again. “Tristan!” she called. Tristan looked back, and saw Amara smiling—a smile that looks like she was about to tell something that she could not jus directly tell. “If you want, I can entertain you tomorrow, since it’s another free day. You know,” she shrugged. “Just ask me if you want to, I’ll quickly be there wherever you want,” she said. Tristan saw how Blaze shook his head in disgust. Little did he know, Amara was telling something different to Tristan. Getting the point, Tristan smiled. “I will,” he answered.
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