Chapter 17: Tasteless

1489 Words
Timmy Cruz looked sharply at a man.  The man was binded with the use of tormenting vines, restricting him and his muscular hands. His mouth was covered with a plant resembling a satin-like cloth, forbidding him to speak. Or scream. Holding a red-colored, demonic-looking flower, Timmy smiled at the man she had captured. The smile … it was something dreaded. Demonic. “How cute are you,” said Timmy. A restricted, muffled sound of “MMHH! MMHH!” escaped from the manly voice of the man.  She could not restrain her desire anymore. She wanted to do something satisfying that she would not get by only manipulating other people, and watching them behind the scene.  She wanted to do more. Le sperme Ejaculer. But this is not about s*x. This is not about her s****l desire. It was her lust … for pain. Torture. For the wonderful music from shriek and shrill and screams from the tortured, bloody throat of men. She licked her lower lips, slowly, while looking at him with noticeable desire.  “HMM! HMM!”  Timmy grunted. “Ahh! I can’t help this anymore!”  She quickly strode towards the bounded man, and quickly ripped his clothes. His naked chest was exposed from the glaring sun. The eyes of the man displayed a terrified gleam; glistens of fear.  Timmy stared at the chest of the man. She bit her lips as if she was looking at a luscious food waiting for it to be eaten by her.  “HMM…” the tone of the man’s whimper was as if pleading.  “What?” Timmy looked at him straight in the eyes. Her scowling queries were paired with a twitch of her lips, as if disgusted. “You don’t want me to do this to you?”  Her hands laid flatly on his toned chest. It travelled, feeling the rough and smooth portion of his skin. It went towards his n****e. She pinched it; pulled; twisted it, as if a soft screw—until it bled.  “HMMMM!” The man’s muffled scream echoed in the isolated surrounding. The pain he was feeling from the forceful twitching of his left n****e was tormenting him.  “That’s it! Scream! Scream all you want!” she laughed. She was drugged by the crying scream of the man and the satisfying feeling coursing through her fingers from the writhed n****e of the man she was trying to eat alive. She grabbed another of the man’s n****e, and just like what she did with the first one, she twisted it in one harsh stroke.  The man kept on screaming. He was struggling, trying to escape from the woman’s wrathful desire. But since he was bounded with sturdy sets of vines coiling all around his body, he could not do anything but feel the pain.  With a snap, Timmy removed her hands from its twitches. She placed it on the man’s waist, cupping it for support. Peculiarly, she started licking the man’s n****e. His swollen and bleeding n*****s suddenly hardened from the sensational travelling of Timmy’s tongue around it. Her tongue coils around his chest, on his hardened pectoral muscle, causing him to feel the heat.  Until Timmy sucked his swollen n*****s. Doing that, she heard another terrified scream from the man. She felt she had an orgasm as she hears the scream of the man, begging for him to stop. But she didn’t, instead, she continued nibbling his left n****e, as if it was a sweet candy a kid could not surrender.  Until she opened her eyes. As it flicked open, her teeth grinded with his flesh.  “AHHHHH!” The man was finally able to remove the cloth-like leaf covering his mouth, and he screamed. Loudly. “Help!”  Blood splattered on Timmy’s face, covering his mouth—the upper lip, down until her neck. She was as if a carnivorous specie of human who had just caught a prey—which is what is happening.  “Ah, you really want to annoy me, huh?” Timmy stood up. Her eyes again met at the man’s trembles.  “P—Please, stop this,” he said.  “Why? I am starting to enjoy this.” Timmy said. She is a sadist, it is. She knew how to manipulate people for the sake of chaos and commotion. Sometimes torture. She is the greatest manipulator of the bullies and the bullied, the predator and the prey, and sometimes even mistresses and wives. As long as she knew physical harm would grin onto the scene, she would make it happen. She would plan it.  But when she saw Professor Buenavista and her ten-over-ten performance earlier, she could not help herself—or more so, dare not to help herself. Because she wants this. Like a s*x drive.  Seeing how the professor bit the leader of the bullies’ ear, tore it, and chewed it as if chewing a gum, something erupted in her chest. The lust. The desire. The curiosity of her tongue to taste what Professor Buenavista tasted when she devoured the bully’s ears. She wanted to feel the tingling sweet sensation of that flesh being grinded in her teeth.  “Man, I wanted you more.” Timmy’s voice was in shapes of whisper. She made her voice husky as she looked at him with the use of her blank glares.  Just like her personality, her eyes would quickly change into different seemingly genuine expressions. Sometimes her eyes were alive. Then it would turn raging. Then it would turn blank and dead. This shifting of her eyes mostly happens at the peak of her torture-desire orgasms. Just like now.  “Please, stop this.” Timmy slapped the man. The crunchy shatter of her palm to his cheeks was satisfying. “You’re such a big man and you’re crying like a baby?”  “Please…” “f**k you! You belong to the group of bullies but you’re just weeping like a distressed princess tied on a vine of tortures?” she stopped. She realized that it was perhaps somehow what is happening. “That’s quite true though.”  “Please stop this! I—If I survive, I will treat you my boss! I would quit the group of Blitz! I—I would… I would be loyal to you like hell… like a dog!”  “Tempting,” said Timmy. “But I don’t want a future problem.”  It was probably the smirk which made the man lose all his strength and hopes. Tears flashed on his face.  “Please… stop doing this,” he begged for one last time. “Well, we’re gonna die in this place at the end, you know that. I will just make it early for you.” She showed the flower to the man once again. Crimson red flower, looking as if the flower of death. Yes, that was the sister of the death flower spider lily. “In fact, I would give you a proper burial.” She twisted the stem of the flower she was holding. The flower released a foul odor similar to a fuel. Butane. From the red petals of the peculiar plant, fire erupted with an elegant dance.  “N—No, no no! No please! Don’t … don’t …”  “I would cremate your body to give you a proper peaceful rest. In hell.”  “s**t! You crazy w***e! I will make sure to come back to you even I’m dead! f**k you! f**k you! b***h!”  “Curse me all you want but you’ll be burning alive.”  She threw the fire at the feet of the man. There dried leaves was surrounding him. The fire quickly spread to the leaves, and produced an excessive amount of heat.  Timmy sat in front of the burning man. His scream makes her lips draw apart, as if something sweet was happening on her insides. She watched him as he struggled himself away from burning. But the demonic fire would surely not make him back into his normal life. As the fire would extinguish, his life would be gone too.  When Timmy heard no screams anymore, she stood up. Her business here was done. Besides, she needs to find her sister back again, or if not, find that Titan Arum somewhere in this forest.  There was a motivation for her to continue living. To evade death.  The huge fire frolicked at her back. She had not yet taken few great steps, when she remembered something that she should have done to the man--but forgotten. The sole reason why she decided to catch a prey. She stopped. Her eyes wide.  “The ears.” Tears came off of her eyes as she remembered the man’s ears. She was disappointed because she forgot tearing and chewing it, just like what Professor Buenavista did. Now, it was nothing but burnt ashes. Tasteless.
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