chapter 26: Tristan and Amara

1125 Words
The bell rang. After the interrogation of Rain and his group to Caspian, the bell finally rang in the whole building. Minute after, the classroom were filled with their classmates, all have different heavy auras. Entering into the class, Tristan noticed that the eyes of his classmates were sullen and dark. He understood the reason why. He knew and already understand that this place will make everyone feel and look the same way as his classmates. Maybe even he, as he was sitting at his seat, was also sharing the same look and sullen aura the way he saw in his classmates. “Oh my gosh, where can I sit? Is there any seat available here?” There was a woman who entered alone in the class. Just like other of Tristan’s classmates, this woman has a pale lips which she was biting. She was panicking as she look at surrounding of the room, trying to find some seat she can sit at. “Hey, Miss, over here,” said one of his classmate. Looking at the man who called the panicking woman, Tristan found out that it was the bullies who called. Tristan looked back to the woman, and she saw the terror in her eyes as she look at the only vacant space she could sit at. “You can sit here, Miss.” Caspian’s seat was beside Tristan. They decided to be seatmates since Caspian was still a little bit uncomfortable to the presence of other of his group allies. Caspian admitted that he can still only be comfortable beside Rain and Tristan, which the Seven and the twins had understood. But now, he stood up from his seat and willingly offered his own to the woman in the front. “Ohhh! The con-alpha was trying to be a gentleman!” one among the group of the bullies shouted from the other corner of the room. Noticing Caspian, Tristan suddenly stood up, and looked at the woman in the front. He smiled at her, and tapped the chair beside him. The woman’s eyes lit up, and hurriedly went towards the seat. He looked back at Caspian who was going to sit beside Seven who willingly and excitedly accepted his company. “Thank you for offering the seat! Oh my gosh, I thought I’m gonna sit beside the goons over there—which I would not do. Duh. I’d rather sit on the floor, but never beside them!” Tristan awkwardly smiled at the woman. “I—It’s Caspian who offered you the seat. But, don’t worry, you can sit beside me. I—I’ll try not to bother you that much.” He made an awkward laugh as he stare at the woman. “No, no, it’s okay! I’m glad that you offered the seat beside you because you know, you doesn’t look like those unshaved ass-looking bullies. In fact you’re handsome. In fact I have some quiet interest to you. In fact I noticed you first on that value of pi challenge. In fact I really, really, really want to help you and say get the value of pi. But I’m afraid the drill bit might dug through me in no sooner time. So I just shut my mouth and just secretly prayed that my crush will be safe. And it works! And now I’m sitting beside you.” Soon as she finished her litany, she made bright smile in front of Tristan. Still having his awkward smile, Tristan slowly moved his body away of the woman. “Hey.” A hand tapped at the woman’s shoulder. It was Timmy. “Better watch your words. Someone’s listening to you.” She used her lips to point at the someone she’s telling who. Following the direction of her pointed lips, Tristan’s gaze landed at Rain. She was sitting at their front. Tapping the fingers on her armrest, Rain’s stare wasn’t on them, but on the board in front, but it seemed that her ears and soul were all glaring them—at Tristan and the woman. There were no one sitting on the seat beside her, since she said she doesn’t want anyone to be her seatmate. A request from a cold woman like her will never be rejected. “Why? Is she your girlfri—” “I—I’m Tristan Fauxier. Nice meeting you!” he offered his trembling hands to the woman and made an awkward, panicking laugh. An act to cut what the woman was about to say. “I’m Amara. Amara Gomez.” “Nice meeting you, Amara.” The both of them shook hands. Touching Tristan’s hand, Amara shrieked. “I can’t believe it. I’m touching my crush’s hand!” Tristan quickly pulled his hand and hid it on his back, as if there was something dire he was hiding, and doesn’t want to be seen by her. He smiled at Amara, still awkwardness forming on his face. Thankfully, Amara was a naïve. She did not feel the awkwardness on Tristan’s aura for she replied back from his smile. Now Tristan noticed a man walking towards the available seat beside Rain. He noticed it, since his aura was exuding dominance. Even Amara, and perhaps even the Twins, and Seven and Caspian had noticed him as well. “Rain,” the man called. On his face was a bright smile that gives him extra charisma on his presence. “Blaze,” Rain called. Hearing the name, Tristan looked back at the man Rain called Blaze. The familiarity on the man’s face was evident for Tristan. he wondered where had he met him. Until he snapped, and pointed at the man. At Blaze. “Y—You’re…” Blaze looked at him. Seeing Tristan, he smiled at him—charismatically—and waved. “Yoh.” “You’re the one who helped us with the death rose!” “He is,” said Rain. “And he’ll be joining our group. He’ll be an ally.” Among the class zero students, their group was the only one pounced with silence. Everyone was talking to someone, some were playing in the room, some were trying to bring the attention of their classmates towards them. A typical highschool set-up. Typical highschool kids in an atypical classroom. “Oh my gosh, can I join your group too? There’s like… three handsome—okay, four. I’ll include the alpha bully—guys in this group! I’m going to lose my mind if I’m not going to be part of you guys!” said Amara, ever naïve, not able to feel the tension brewing in the group. A kind of tension no one of them knew the reason why it was brewing.
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