Chapter 5-2

1426 Words

‘That suits me,’ said Case wearily. Anna had taken a wheelchair out of the boot, and she helped Case out of the car and into the wheelchair. She pushed him into the building and into a small lift. It stopped outside the door to an apartment, and they went in. The third-floor apartment in Warsaw"s Praga district was minimalist, Spartan even, but it was more than adequate for Case ’s needs. He stood with Anna, looking out of the window. ‘This is my father’s flat really though he only stays here when he has to attend medical conferences,’ said Anna. ‘He’s not a great fan of the bright lights and the big city. He’s a country boy at heart.’ ‘It looks okay to me, from what I’ve seen,’ said Case. ‘This part of the city seems to be buzzing with life.’ ‘It’s a generational thing, I think. I l

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