Minster-in-Thanet, 995 AD Minster-in-Thanet, 995 ADThe cautious infirmarian would not allow Aelfwynn to rush his convalescence but, at last, conceded that her patient would mend better with exercise and a solid diet. The length of his bed rest meant that Folcwin made progress and completed the second illustration of his Life of Mildred. That striking image showed the unrepentant Abbess of Chelles clutching a fistful of golden hair ripped from Mildred’s scalp. He had written the account in the slightly older-fashioned cursive minuscule he had chosen and was now working on his third illumination. This portrayed the landing of the saint and the imprint of her foot in the rock—the relic that had affected him so deeply. Life of MildredNot for the first time in the scriptorium, he sensed a pre