
2490 Words

~VENUS~ Wrong. Everything could go wrong! Why do I say this? If looks could kill, his stares would have driven a hole past the speed of a bullet in my head. He wouldn't miss the hit too. My head hurts from thinking of all the possible ways I ever wronged him and I arrive at nothing. I've not known him long enough to be his opp. The thirty-minute car drive feels like hours, and it takes everything for me not to constantly move in my seat or shuffle my feet. No, this has nothing to do with this comfy seat and all to do with him. Amaury Lewis Vasech. It would have helped if he was behind the wheel and not right next to me. The car ride comes to an end and I'm only aware of it when I find myself alone in the car with the chauffeur. He looks through the review mirror to meet my eyes.

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