Chapter 5

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Becky had laughed. Kerry was proud that she paid enough heed to even the little things this woman said that hinted at her interests. “Only you would have known to buy me this,” Becky had said. Kerry’s heart had almost burst. But now Becky was reading something else, not from a book but from the computer screen, something that made her grin and fidget, something, no doubt, from him. Because there was one secret that Becky had not shared with Kerry, but she had discovered it anyway. Two weeks ago she had trooped out for her lunch break along with all the other underlings, leaving just the two managers Mark and Becky to man the phones as was customary. She had not made it out of the office before remembering she had promised to post a letter for Becky, and returned to find her. Becky had just disappeared around the side of the partition that split the working floor space in two, presumably on her way towards the toilets at the very back, past Mark’s office. Kerry waited patiently for five minutes, wondering what was taking Becky so long, and then made her way towards the toilets. She stopped abruptly as she rounded the partition, which was high enough to obscure her view to the other side. She heard a giggle first and then saw them both, just inside the door to his office. Becky’s back view was visible, and his arms, both wrapped around her, one hand pulling at the zip at the rear of her skirt. She couldn’t see faces because they were pressed together, unmistakeably in a deep kiss, their giggles now turning to low moans of passion. Kerry watched his hand wheedle its way inside her skirt and within the thin material of Becky’s panties, channelling down the line of her bottom split and pressing between the soft mounds of flesh in an attempt to gain entrance to her from the rear. Her sudden gasp signalled that his fingers had found her wet opening. That’s when Kerry, the shock of adrenalin still whooshing through her, turned and hurried away. She didn’t dare round the corner of the partition at the top end and head for the main exit because she would come into line with his office, and she would surely be seen. Instead she diverted off towards the stock cupboard in the far corner, and to the alcove next to it. As she gathered her shattered thoughts and tried to breathe, she realised she might have to stay there concealed until the lunch hour was over. Then she remembered the fire escape, and crossed to it, still out of sight from the lovers, and as gently as she could, pushed the bar to release the lock and then closed it softly behind her. Even as she hurried down the fire escape steps she knew that this was how she would one day get herself secretly back into the office, so that she could spy on them again. Each day she teemed with thoughts of Becky’s naughtiness, of how much it shocked yet excited her too. If she were a good friend she would have just let the secret dwell inside her without acting on it in any way, allowing the woman the happiness she undoubtedly deserved. But the thought of seeing Becky in the throes of passion, maybe even f*****g, the thought of potentially seeing her undressed was just too much for Kerry to ignore. So each day she worked out the angles, how to open the fire escape just before lunch after a contrived visit to the stock cupboard, how to get back in unnoticed and how to position herself outside his office so that she could see in, and how to make her getaway unseen when the time came. It almost made her shake apart with nerves, but she was already resolved to do it, although she could only muster the courage to try when she was absolutely sure that she would catch them in the act. And if ever there was a day that Becky would want him to give her such illicit pleasure it was on her birthday. It was today. Becky Blissfully unaware of being watched, Becky absorbed herself in Mark’s naughty e-mail. She could tell by the coarseness of his words that he was turned on. His message had been hastily typed and sent, mistakes included, so that he could quickly pass on his excitement to her. He was clearly as thrilled by his meeting with the new American boss as he had been the first time he had encountered her, a few weeks ago. Back then he had managed to last until lunch time, when he had Becky get to her knees and slowly suck him while he described how perfectly the new boss fitted his fantasy profile of voracious dominatrix, how he could feel the strength coming off her, and how he was convinced she would love to use that power to overwhelm her underlings, particularly pretty girls such as Becky. She had been equally excited by his sudden lust and the image he evoked. She had gripped and pulled on his pulsing length with urgency, and sent her tongue snaking all over the shining head of his c**k as he spoke of his desire to see the new boss pull her over the desk by her hair, to see Becky’s panties ripped from her in shreds before being forced into her cunt. She had moaned aloud and slurped hard when he mentioned the spanking the boss would administer when Becky did not perform to her liking. She had hoped he would take the hint, feel her blood rise at the mention of punishment, but he was always ruder in fantasy than in reality. Many times when bent over the desk she had been convinced he was going to warm her arse with his palm, but he never had, although he must by now know that she was willing to take such treatment. Becky had always been exhilarated by the idea of being made to do dirty things. She shivered with longing at every private thought of having your humility swept aside by another’s lustful commands. It absolved you of all guilt at your ensuing rudeness and made you dread and die for what was to come next. In truth her complicity was too easily gained; whenever Mark issued a command she found herself obeying, albeit often hesitantly, even when the shock of his words made her gasp out loud. He had made her do dirty things too. Once, when he had her over the desk as usual, he had made her reach back with both hands and hold her bum cheeks apart. His motive was not mentioned, but she deduced when no other action followed that it was simply so that he could see her anus while he f****d her. The memory still sent a chill sweeping through her bloodstream and shrank her skin. And the memory still made her masturbate, the thought of having to expose her most private place to his immoral gaze filled her with humiliation, and that in turn made her want to come. Another time he had ordered her to bring her vibrator to work and during the afternoon, having revved her up all day with his dirty words, he made her go into his office all alone, and masturbate with her toy. She had to close the blinds in the front window to obscure her from the workers still at their stations in front of the office, but the shutters to the side were still partially open as always, enabling him to stand outside of the small enclosure, ostensibly reading some report, but actually glancing sideways to peer through the blinds and watch as she f****d herself. The buzz of her toy was only just cloaked by the whirr of the cooling desk fans around the place and she had to finger herself fast while the toy was pressed to her clit to overcome the nerves of having to wank so publicly and so close to potential discovery. Yet still she had been forced to bite on her lip to avoid crying out with the thrill of it all. It sometimes shamed her that she gave in so readily, but she found it too difficult to resist. Perhaps if she could show more resilience she might find herself being forced to obey by other methods. She didn’t understand why the idea of physical punishment made her quiver more with excitement than with trepidation, but quite simply it did. She had never thought of herself as a masochist and emotionally she abhorred being trampled on, but nonetheless she often longed for that incessant bum-tingling anticipation before the first contact struck home, and the long-awaited ensuing burst of bliss that seared the skin. This was only a mind’s-eye portrait of a spanking, of course, since she had never actually been on the receiving end of one. She had once set up mirrors on the dining table and on the sideboard behind her to watch her reflection as she administered a self-beating with the flat of a plastic hairbrush. The sound and impact had been good but the strength of the blows was instinctively tempered and she could not bring herself to land any harder. Nor was the thrill of anticipation there, knowing where and when each smack would land and how hard to expect it. And anyway, it wasn’t simply about taking pain, it was about being on the end of someone else’s depravity, it was about being used and forced and taken beyond your limits. It was about someone who loved you knowing exactly how to abuse your body and still make you scream with pleasure. It took a special kind of person to know how to hurt and make it feel good. Perhaps that was why Mark had never actually gone through with it, despite his threats and promises. Maybe he was either too embarrassed to do it or too worried about harming her. Or it could be that he knew she would like it too much, and with him already back-pedalling on their relationship he thought it was a step too far in the wrong direction. It could just be that he had realised what she herself already suspected; that if he went through with it and spanked her bottom, it was very possible that she just might want him forever. Gina Well, it was only a stay of execution but at least it absolved her of the worrisome duty of having to fire people that day, something she was definitely not in the mood for. Daddy had sent word with the lawyers that due to employment laws they had to make sure they dotted i’s and crossed t’s before letting half the staff go. He usually didn’t interfere with her running of the UK division but he wanted to make sure that MedUSA were seen to be doing the right thing, since shareholders were so nervy these days, and he didn’t want the takeover to look like a simple case of asset-stripping. So it was decided that the training in the ‘MedUSA Way’ would be given to all the new staff, rolled out over the next few weeks, regardless of whether they were in the firing line or not. It would be expensive, but it may just cost them less in the end. Meanwhile, little hints would be leaked about potential job losses, and feelers put out regarding the possibility of voluntary redundancies. Maybe the blow would be cushioned if the shock was spread. After her meeting with the lawyers she had gone straight into another one with the remaining directors, and then personally briefed the higher management team on a one-to-one basis. All had looked tense to start, and then relieved to find that the pressure was off them and that the plan was, at least for the short term, to keep them all on. Some had then relaxed and tried to help think of a way forward knowing that many of their co-workers were set to go. A couple had seemed distracted by the presence of Chloe in the room, and their concentration clearly waned. Still, she was distracting; she was being distracting right now. The young PA had done her job and taken notes during the earlier meetings but soon gave up when it became clear that a new tack was being taken. She yawned and tutted her way through the one-to-ones with the line managers and as soon as they were over started angling for her some personal attention of her own. When this had been turned down, without batting an eyelid, she took matters into her own hands. She hitched up her skirt and pulled her panties down over her thighs. Then, with her legs apart and her knees slightly bent, and with one hand grasping a chair back for support and her bottom pushed out towards Gina, she began to masturbate.
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