Chapter 2

2010 Words
The girl moaned as the juices were stirred inside her and Gina had to add another finger to increase her teasing. As Sarah began to buck and ride, the fingers were mercilessly removed and the juices that covered them wiped onto her anus. Then Gina turned the whip handle around and used it as a plug again, forcing it slowly into Sarah’s bottom, gleefully watching her head snap back as the girl was stretched to her absolute limit. Sarah’s muscles were more relaxed now and it took far less effort this time to push the toy into position. Despite the cries, she obviously enjoyed it, and her juices were now visibly escaping and trickling down her thighs. Gina knew Sarah loved the other girls to see her opened up to the very threshold of her tolerance. The discomfort would be outweighed by the joy of humiliation. Sarah loved her pain but even more she loved to be degraded. Nothing was too shameful. She often pissed herself or broke wind during her heavier thrashings, and it was said that she drank lots of fizzy drinks before such punishments in the hope of encouraging these disgraces, knowing full well that they brought greater chastisement. Gina could tell that Sarah was close to orgasm, but she needed to be pushed further, until she was teetering on the very brink. The Mistress unfastened the saddle and removed it, then helped her pony climb onto the desk and had her lie on her back, instructing her to hold her legs behind the knees to keep them up and open, and to slide her bottom right to the edge so that the tail strands could drape down freely. Gina took her riding crop this time and went around behind the desk, pushing her swivel chair aside. She placed the crop’s tongue flat against Sarah’s swollen p***y. She kept it there for several seconds to allow the effect to sink in, and when she delivered the first stinging slap, she saw her audience flinch and suck in another communal breath. Sarah wailed, but the next smacks made her p***y lips jump open, and in that flash they could all see the wetness inside. Gina kept her strokes quite light, wanting to titillate now and drive her victim towards her climax. Sarah responded, bucking and wiggling her arse against the desk, keeping her legs wide and her p***y pushed up to try and get any contact, until she was squealing out and dying to come. Just one sharp suck on her clit would have done it, or two fingers rammed inside her—she was that close. The onlookers could see her belly clench and jerk as the muscles inside her contracted, but then she was suddenly still and quiet, and all eyes focused below her wet s*x to witness the slow and vulgar birth of the dildo from her bottom. She held herself and squeezed, pushing the glistening toy from inside her, easing it out centimetre-by-centimetre until the evacuation was complete and the dildo-tail dropped to the floor. Gina ceased her beating and came around to kneel between Sarah’s legs, close enough to feel the heat emanating and to see and smell the oozing arousal, close enough to have the girl feel her breath on her aching clit. She smiled at the brace of slippery holes and then felt below her to locate the dildo and plug it back inside the pink ring that had so lewdly expelled it. She loosed a thin string of spit to dribble tantalisingly down the gash of cunt and arse, then pursed her lips and blew very softly onto the wetness. Gina knew full well what her b***h would be thinking of and silently begging for. She would be visualising her Mistress’s tongue coming out to lap all the way up her sodden split, sucking out the juices and then engulfing her swollen bud to finally deliver her from torment. When Gina was sure the girl was nearly bursting for the touch of her tongue she cruelly stopped her blowing and got back off her knees. She smiled at the writhing slave and her look of abject dismay as the realisation dawned that the Mistress was not going to bring her off after all. The punishment was still not quite complete, though. “Listen carefully,” Gina said. “You are to make us breakfast now. Later today—assuming that I remember—I will phone and give you permission to remove the harness and tail, and let you get dressed. You are forbidden to play with yourself until I get back in a few days. I don’t just mean you cannot make yourself come, I mean that you are not to touch your p***y at all until I allow it. Do you understand?” There was nothing to enforce these rules except the sheer willpower of her girl, and that is why Gina knew for certain that she would be obeyed. Sarah held up her arms to allow Gina to peel her hooves off for her, and then hobbled mutely out of the room, her tail quite literally between her legs. The room was silent again but the atmosphere of bubbling excitement remained. The two girls in front of her were still obediently standing straight, only both now with their thighs pressed firmly together, and Gina knew that she could get them to do anything that she wanted right now. Chloe was wearing her usual smirk that always appeared when she watched a punishment. It revealed her true nature, but she was simply too pretty to resist. There was always an air of defiance about her, which said that although she was ostensibly a slave just like the other girls, it was only while it suited her, while her Mistress was looking after her. She was the only one not completely under Gina’s spell—if anything it was the other way around, and that was not a good place for a Mistress to be. Chloe had the same sleek black hair as Gina, but was petite, with perfect skin and a lovely lithe body that had become less muscular since her dancing days. Her t**s were small and perky, with tiny pink n*****s that went rock hard and super-sensitive when she was aroused. Her legs were shapely and her hips slim. She had a gorgeous little bottom, which had also grown a little fuller and rounder since they had met, but Gina liked that; a nice bum is always a priority for a dominatrix. It was still infinitely soft and enticing, and better still, she loved to have it played with. Her face had a touch of red to the cheeks, which gave her a look of youthful innocence, and she had a full bottom lip that Gina loved to take gently into her mouth and suck. But it was her eyes that cast the spell. The irises were very dark brown, sometimes dull, and she was slightly heavy-lidded, giving her a bored or insolent look. Her right eye was fractionally in—turned, something only really noticeable when she read or studied the computer screen. When she concentrated, she chewed the inside of her cheek, often unconsciously using her fingers to press and hold the flesh in while her teeth scraped and bit at the inside of her mouth. Gina loved to watch her like this. When Chloe was happy her face came alive and she became achingly beautiful. Her eyes would be open and shining, her dimples showing, her laugh loud, lewd, and infectious. She was agile and nippy in her movements. She was confident, down to earth, and swore too much. She was also an utter pervert. Gina was as equally proud as she was nervous over her ownership of this jewel of a girl, scared her fortune would evaporate in a flash. Both of them were infinitely capable of turning heads when out together but Chloe almost induced whiplash injuries in the plethora of craning necks swivelling her way, although all but the glances from the very sexiest young girls were steadfastly ignored, causing much frustration from the scores of leering boys. She must break a hundred hearts every single day, just by walking down the street, and Gina knew for certain that very soon her heart would also be on that list. If only someone would come along to break the spell, before it was all too late. Gina addressed the apple of her eye. “The lawyers are flying in from the States today to tie up things this end, so we had better get off to . The accountants have already advised me to cut the workforce by half and very few of the ones that remain are likely to do that well out of us, so we are going to be meeting a lot of very pissed-off people in the next few days.” Gina gave a shrug of resignation and breathed a big sigh at the impending obligation of having to crop careers and ruin lives. “I guess it’s just business,” she said, without conviction. Becky She sat naked, perched on the rim of the bath with her legs wide apart as she prepared to carry out his instructions. Both her hands were at her groin and she could not resist running one finger up her damp s*x at the thought of him. Her wrist jerked and she bit her lip as the harsh tingle spread across her sensitive mound. This was not the kind of pain she enjoyed but obeying him, even in his absence, gave her enough of a thrill to take the edge off her discomfort. She glanced over to the sink where her phone lay still stubbornly mute. Why hadn’t he texted? This was one of the days her husband left early for work, without even waking her, and she had usually received a message by now. Becky readied herself for another wave of self-inflicted pain. Her hand jerked again and she inhaled sharply, feeling the hot sting turn to a cold shivering rush like sunburn around the delicate folds of her labia. Her little mound was smarting and needed to be soothed, but at least her task was coming along nicely. What remained of her dark, closely cropped pubic hair had now been reduced to a thin strip above the split of her lips, just as he had ordered. She applied another wax strip and was about to pull when her phone bleeped, startling her into an involuntary and painful depilation. She cursed quietly but the sting was already forgotten as the familiar butterflies started inside her. She knew the text would be from Mark. She could feel her fingers tingling as she grabbed the phone, seeing that it was indeed from him and that it came with a picture attachment. She opened it eagerly, to be confronted with the image of what was unmistakeable his c**k, absolutely rigid, the foreskin retracted to show the shining smoothness of the swollen head. He had adorned the middle of his shaft with a piece of red ribbon, tied into a bow, and the picture came with a message: “For you on your birthday I like my presents to be felt! Will give you something special later if we can get rid of them pesky kids for half an hour!” The awakening glow within her p***y was instant, and she squeezed her thighs together knowing she might be forced to answer its call. He would love to know he had made her masturbate. He was irrepressible, and he knew just how to turn her on. She caught her reflection in the mirror and saw that she was smiling broadly. This turned to a frown when she realised the state her hair was in after her now customary restless night in bed. Normally it was neatly cut, hanging just below shoulder length, blonde with darker streaks closer to her natural colour showing through. Currently it looked like it had been sculpted by a short-sighted trainee on a particularly bumpy rollercoaster. She pulled a face of mock disgust before continuing her self-examination. Her pubic mound was still red and sore but would calm down once she had showered and applied some lotion. She couldn’t wait to show him her handiwork.
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