Chapter 31 – Little Sara Perry

2029 Words

Pearl waited for the two servants to open the door, and she was the first to come out, stopping on the first step of the marble staircase to look around. The page that was at the entrance of the stable saw her, and he immediately rushed inside to tell the driver to come out. When Pearl was going down the staircase, Anika, Alex, and Wenammy appeared, and a lot of cheering was heard from the crowd on the sides of the staircase and the street, but none of them tried to come closer because of the gravity line that Pearl created the moment she stepped on the staircase, stopping them. Alex heard his name being shouted and made a slight smile, and gave a few nods left and right. Then, a young girl no more than ten years old tried to approach the line of soldiers with a flower in her hands, and

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