#Chapter 15 Seal

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Dean’s POV “The King is majestic and masculine. Not a monster.” But my protest goes unheard, as she just continues to mindlessly stick her photos upon the wall. It doesn't help my frustration when she adds, “How are you so sure? You’ve not seen the King’s face either! He could actually have four eyes, and I’ve even drawn one less.” I try my best to control my eyeballs from glaring out, only releasing an exasperated sigh at this pointless conversation. There's clearly no point arguing with her! Just then, I receive a mind link from my Beta informing he has some information. “Your Majesty, the old wizard and I found evidence that there used to be a very rare and mysterious werewolf pack whose members were capable of using magic!” How interesting… My eyes glance over Harper in inspection as she is none the wiser, whilst Tyler continues speaking. “However, this pack has already been exterminated…” I frown. But then how and why does she remain? “And a new prophecy has emerged from Leonardo's crystal ball,” Tyler adds, immediately making me sit up straighter in particular interest with what this stupid ball has to say. “Only when her seal is completely lifted shall the curse be undone. However, once the seal begins to lift, the curse will intensify with every layer of her seal that is unveiled.” ‘Seal?’ Wondering as I look at her. Does that mean she has a greater power that has been sealed? Is that why she’s so weak, is this the reason why her magic is so unpredictable? I am particularly confused by this new prophecy… and what does it mean that with every new layer undone my curse will amplify! So there must be more than one layer then… Ugh… it hurts my brain just trying to dissect it all. Nevertheless, the main primary target still remains ensuring that Harper passes the maid selection competition. That much I know of. Just then, Harper notices my silence, and stares at me with a questioning gaze. But I confidently smirk instead. Tossing her the booklet of magic spells that I had obtained from the old wizard. I watch her expression shift into excitement. She shimmies closer to the book with an adorable amount of joy. Clearly happy about what I’ve given her. She flicks through the pages, admiring the different spells, before shutting it and pressing it closely to her chest and thanks me. “Well, there are only a few days left before the first round. So you need to start learning all the spells you can. You must succeed!” I say with a broad grin, implying a vague sense of threat. “Because this is not just about whether you’ll end up a rogue. But also a battle of dignity!” “A battle of dignity? Whose dignity!” My virgin tilts her head in aloof questioning, big round eyes blinking at me. I grunt, shaking my head. “My dignity! You can’t lose in front of your former mates!” I say, without mentioning how this all relates to her being my mate. Harper just shrugs, still confused. “I don’t understand… but that's okay! I’m still so happy to have this magic book! I can’t wait to try all these spells! Oh! Which spell should I learn first?” My back straightens like a well-educated coach, ready to teach a very important class. “The cleaning spell would be a good place to start! And then the room expansion spell.” “Hmm... Why?” “Because I can’t stand this terrible living environment anymore!” To which Harper bends over and giggles. ________________________________ Harper’s POV Several brutal days of training later, the maid selection competition officially begins! And my nerves are the least of my worries. As we stand awaiting the first test, Alpha James appears, announcing the rules of the competition: There are to be two rounds. The first round requires participants to tidy a room by completing a number of tasks. Sweeping, dusting, mopping, changing the mattress. Judges are not only going to check that all the tasks are completed, but also for the quality of cleaning enacted. All tasks can be completed in any order. Except for one. Participants must first light a fire to warm the room. Only then can they move on to their other tasks. Alpha James indicates that this round is to test the maids’ efficiency, since they must complete the tasks within a one-hour time limit. I bounce on the balls of my heels in growing anticipation, eyes darting to the other participants. Some look unsure, others appear pumped and ready. Thing is, according to the rules, there is no restriction on the use of any means necessary to complete the tasks. Even fights between participants are not prohibited as long as they do not cause fatal injuries. Scary. I’m not a fighter! Hopefully participants will pick on tougher individuals rather than myself. I don’t want to have to fight Elda, a hefty girl that's twice my size! Or Zara, one of the most agile girls in the pack. Oh goddess. Get it together Harper! In the midst of my panic, the horn blows. The competition has started! I’m nearly trampled by a horde of girls that run to their stations. My feet are completely unfocused on where I’m headed. But eventually I hurry over to the room I’m assigned, picking up the paper with my tasks listed. Okay… fire. I need to light a fire. No problem I’ll just… My gaze darts to the empty fireplace, before searching the room desperately for the wood. In the process, my heart plummets further and further. I need to collect the wood myself… I watch girls rush to the woods, and I find myself following the herd like a lost sheep. Desperate to not be left behind to the wolves. But when I reach the grove, I see that only one cutting saw has been provided. And there's a long line of girls waiting to use it. While more powerful werewolves like Elda have already succeeded in obtaining firewood by using their claws. I’m stuck at the end of the line for what feels like centuries, and my heart beats anxiously as I barely move forward. What if I don’t have time to finish any of my other tasks?! Then, something even worse happens. A sudden c***k and snapping of metal catches everyone's attention. I peer round the line to see Erin holding the broken saw, acting surprised and embarrassed, “Oh goddess! Oh no! So sorry everyone! It’s my fault, I’m so clumsy!” Erin clearly has the strength to use her werewolf claws! I bet she used the saw and purposefully broke it to simply sabotage the competition! I watch as girls grumble and others begin to cry. Those that are unable to use claws give up, and leave. Choosing to give up now than try and fail. With the dispersing of the line, I rush over to the broken saw that lays in fragments across the ground. ‘You cannot fail! You must win! For dignity!’ Dylan’s words harbor a place so vivid in my mind, that I scramble to pick up the most salvageable piece of the saw. And I begin trying to cut down the branches. Although, my process is excruciatingly slow. Sweat pours down my face as I wince and heave trying to power through thick wood. At the corner of my gaze I notice Erin collecting all her wood. She confidently stalks over, judging my slow progress with her eagle gaze. “Oh you poor thing! Twenty minutes have already passed. And at this rate you probably won’t cut a single branch when the timer goes off. I mean, you might as well join the rest of the incompetent yet sensible contestants that quit the competition early. Save yourself the headache. Just a thought.” She shrugs smugly, before walking off. Trying to pretend to be concerned, but I know she’s just taunting me! How evil! But she might be right… Another while later, and I realize that I’m the only one left in the grove. When I take a look at my watch, the clock hands indicate that another twenty minutes have passed, and there are only twenty minutes left for the first round! I drop the saw, outstretching my hands towards the branches. I brace, trying to use my magic instead. Again and again I stiffen and then release, trying to exude the energy from my body. But nothing comes out! Oh no! Why now?! My magic has abandoned me too! Am I always destined to fail this soon in the competition? In a moment of defeat, I think about my promise to Dylan that I would win. My gaze drops to the broken saw at my feet that Erin had deliberately broken. My eyes well up with tears in an instant, spilling from eyes from all the built up frustration. ‘Don’t cry, Harper, don’t cry! Keep your spirits up, there is still hope!’ But Sara’s voice feels worlds away from where I stand. I try to do so, I try to remain positive. But I can’t help the tears from trickling down my chin. They slip down my chest and over my precious necklace and new pendant. Suddenly, a light illuminates from there. I gasp, shuddering as the light glows powerfully! It is so vibrant and stark, it lights up the surrounding forest. In an instant, something in my body changes. Adrenaline oozes from my system and life flows throughout. I sense power, strong undeniable power suddenly surges within me!
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