#Chapter 12 My Necklace Is Glowing!

1994 Words
Harper’s POV I’m completely astonished by the fact I’ve just used the spell from the small note that Dylan dropped. And it generated that much power? This is insane. But I don’t have time to further comprehend what's just happened. Clearly, my spell cast and forceful attack have only enraged the bear even further. The forestry in the distance is physically thrashed about, implying movement from the bear. It rushes out again and towards me in more furious rage. Hoping twice is the charm, I try to use the spell again. But nothing expels from my fingertips. I can sense that my magic has been drained. I’m at a loss for what to do now. I’m completely exposed with nothing to defend myself with. Fear churns my gut as I suddenly feel hopeless. In the end, I close my eyes, timidly lifting my hand in a faint attempt to protect my face. I sense the large predator approaching, and I wince as a claw swipes across my arm. But that's all I feel. I’m confused, and I’m still afraid to look. But eventually, I find the will to flicker open my lids. The sight is ferocious. Like two titans at war, Dylan and the bear clash with ruthless intensity. I wince in concern, worried for my savior’s safety. But Dylan appears completely unfazed by the bear’s ferocity. Like a brutal boxer in the ring, he bashes his fist into the bear, knocking it in the jaw and the side. Whilst ducking and side stepping swiftly to avoid any incoming swipes. Whilst the bear might be larger, Dylan is faster, and I watch in awe as his focused gaze illuminates his strength and coordination. Eventually, Dylan lands one final blow before the bear wobbles with uncertainty, grumbling in grogginess before crashing into the ground with a decent thud. When the male feels assured that the predator is knocked out cold, he turns towards me, walking over with a considerable frown on his face. “This makes little sense.” he utters roughly. I look at him with similar confusion, to which he then explains. “That type of bear belongs to a very docile species, which doesn’t usually attack werewolves, nor appear near packs. They tend to live much deeper in the forest.” I now understand his concern. This wasn’t normal. “But this bear seemed unusually irritable, as if…” Dylan trails off, frowning further as his gaze lowers to my neck. I’m about to ask him what he was about to say, except he first points to my neck. I look down at my chest. It’s glowing! Of course, I realize it’s not my skin, but the necklace round my neck. I lift the piece of jewelry, realizing that the blood on my arm had dripped onto the pendant. “This was from my mother,” I whisper softly. It’s nothing but a very simple heart pendant, however, no longer does it appear worn and weathered. It looks brand new, shiny, and washed. Seconds later it suddenly emits a vibrant glow, as if the sun is sat against my chest. Both Dylan and I must squint for a second as it shimmers brightly, before the light dissipates. When it does, I’m no longer staring at my original pendant. In its place rests a silver three-leaf clover that sits pretty on the necklace chain. We’re obviously both surprised, but Dylan carries on with his line of questioning, “What was that power attack you used on the bear earlier?” My gaze flickers with recognition before I remove the small piece of paper from my pocket and hand it to him. “You dropped this earlier. I noticed that it was a spell. And I uh… I can actually use magic…” I can’t truly tell whether Dylan is surprised, but his uncomfortable stares force me to add, “But um, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Magic is well… a funny thing, isn’t it?” ________________________________ Third POV With the Lycan King away from the palace, the old wizard is relieved of many of his obligations. Work is slow or nonexistent, and he finds himself relishing in the time he gets to himself. Hence, he retired for the night. The old wizard sighs in deep contentment as he lays his head down on his pillow within the comforting stone walls of his room. Filled with bubbling potions and scrolls that date back centuries. Tapestries of land maps and supernatural creatures hang from wall to wall, whilst the floor is carpeted in a soft delicate fur coat of a polar bear. Slumber seems blissful when the man finally succumbs to it. He rolls over in his half sleepy state, ready to fully commit. However, he can’t just yet, licking his lips absentmindedly, he realizes his thirst, eager to quench it so he can truly fall asleep. Still laying on his back, his eyes flicker open, only to be startled by another pair staring back at him! The man flinches in shock, thinking it must be a ghost standing over him! Their dark clothing makes them eerily blend in with the shadows. Skin so pale it resembles the face of the moon. What sort of creature has entered his room?! However, what eventually gives away the apparition’s physical form is its gleaming grey eyes that shine a light into the darkness. As they stare into the depths of Leo’s soul, he soon realizes they’re the distinctive eyes of the King! Immediately, the old wizard complains about being startled like this, “Oh Sire! It’s you! My goodness,” he rests a hand against his rapidly pounding chest, “I understand at this time of night you are often haunted by ghosts due to your curse. But don’t leave me to be the recipient of such haunting!” The King remains unmoved by the wizard’s words. Dean had found it easy to slip away and into the palace during the dead of night. And is now impatient for answers. Dean rolls his eyes, “Since living with Harper, I have not been haunted by the evil ghosts evoked by the curse.” his voice seems calm and collected, but under closer inspection, a sense of smugness can be felt. “However, something interesting has happened. Harper is so horrendous at fighting through physical attacks like a normal werewolf. But she is gifted in the art of magic.” Dean hands the wizard the same note Harper read. It’s a rebound spell Leonardo scribbled on a draft paper in the past and was casually pocketed by Dean. Leonardo takes a moment to read the spell before his eyes widen in surprise. The King confirms his thoughts. “Harper only read the spell a few times before being able to cast it with little to no faults.” The wizard shakes his head incredulously and states. “This is incredible. It is even not the most basic or simple spell to master. This requires practice.” The sorcerer turns back to the King excitedly. “I will definitely look into this more with Beta and try to see if it's possible for werewolves to wield magic!” ________________________________ Harper’s POV My eyes scan my reflection in the mirror as I adjust the straps of my dress. A dark emerald, green gown that sinches at my waist and falls to just above the floor. It’s one of the dresses Dylan bought me at the store. I’m wearing it because today is the day of the registration for the pack’s maid selection competition! Father decided to hold a banquet to celebrate the ceremony. Originally, Dylan was not interested in this banquet at all. But I don’t know why, after I mentioned that the four judges of the competition would be there, Dylan suddenly decided he wanted to attend the banquet too, and even dressed up in a suit for the event. As of now, I step into the main hall. My eyes wander around the room curiously, seeing all the various members of my pack. But my eyes settle on a being far more stunning than any of the other guests. Samuel’s blonde hair glitters far brighter than any of the chandeliers in the room. Bright blue eyes shimmering with confidence as he speaks casually with one of the other guests. I find myself swooning all starry-eyed, “Wow! Samuel is as handsome as ever today!” “Didn’t he reject you?” The contrast in tone between my awe-stricken manner of speaking and Dylan’s dark brooding annoyance cuts through the casual air in an instant. I’m confused why he appears so bothered. “How can you still find him so attractive? You were kissed by the Lycan King! Surely the King deserves greater admiration than Samuel!” I don’t get why Dylan would care so much about how I felt towards the King, nevertheless, I have a much different opinion. “Samuel is an absolute gentleman. Unlike the King who has a horrible temper. Why would I be attracted to a tyrant?” Dylan doesn’t seem convinced, so I further elaborate, “Well, the King is scary!” I say, unable to help the shiver that darts up my spine. “And also…” I urge Dylan to come closer, wanting to tell him in a whisper, “I actually think I’ve solved the answer to what he really looks like under his mask!” I gaze rapidly about our surroundings making sure no one is listening. Thinking that of all people, Dylan should know the truth. I trust him with my secret. “I think… that the Lycan King actually has three eyes, is half-purple and has octopus tentacles on his face! That’s why he wears the mask!” I say in hushed importance. I look to see his reaction, thinking Dylan would be just as astonished by my revelation as I am. But instead… the male before me suddenly sizzles with heat. His face hardens and expresses a merciless frown. He looks so angry! But I don’t get the chance to even ask why. The male snaps his gaze away, glaring at the judges of this competition -all my former mates-, and grumbles coldly beneath his breath, “Well they're all so boring and average in comparison to the King.” And before anything else can be said, he roughly picks up a glass of wine from one of the trays and storms off. I don’t have time to dwell on Dylan’s strange attitude, for my eyes befall upon a glorious array of free food all for the taking. I hurry over and begin munching down like a hungry hamster. The wonderful cuisine even allows me to remain unbothered by the sneer Erin throws my way. At some point, I’m handed a glass of juice by one of the waiters. Eager to quench my thirst I drink the glass in its entirety. But my joyous mood doesn't last for very long. I gradually feel dizzy and uncomfortable, my breathing accelerates, and I rush out onto the balcony to get some fresh air. But nothing quells the sick feeling writhing in my stomach, as heat boils abruptly beneath my skin making me wobble to and fro. I hadn’t drunk any alcohol. Why am I suddenly feeling dizzy? The click of balcony doors from behind me have me glance over my shoulder, horrified to find an overweight, greasy man strutting towards me with dangerous confidence. He licks his lips and I feel an uncomfortable sense of fear dwell in my gut. In a hurry to flee, I rush through another set of doors that lead into a different hallway, before bolting into an unoccupied room. I instantly lock the door behind me. But this doesn't solve my problem, as I press my hands against my burning cheeks, I realize that something must’ve been put in my juice!
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