Chapter 15 - Nothing Changes

818 Words

Chapter 15 In the late hours of the night....Brandon awoke to a strange soft murmuring voice, just to the left of his pillows. Turning over....Brandon was not shocked to see Nora. Her Hair was lying in a gossamer black cascade around her face and shoulder. Her large eyes were closer...and her small arm were resting on the edge of Brandon's bed, while her hands were clasped together in the air. Her small pink lips were moving quickly as she seemed to be whispering to the air. Seeming to sense that she had disturbed him Nora stopped what she was saying, raised her voice and softly said. "Brandon...go back to sleep." She instructed him, without opening her eyes over putting down her hands "Nora? Why do you kneel over my bed every night?" Brandon asked her curiously, instead of doing as s

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