Chapter 36. Brian

1514 Words

Abigail's mind was in turmoil as she walked home from school, her thoughts consumed by Benjamin's invitation to his party. On the one hand, she was flattered that he had asked her to come, but on the other hand, she wasn't sure if she was ready to face Andrew, the boy she had been crushing on for months, at the party. As she walked into her room, she let out a sigh and sank onto her bed. She was exhausted from the day's events, and the thought of attending the party was only adding to her stress. She took a long, hot shower, hoping to wash away some of her worries, but it didn't seem to help. Abigail went through her usual routine of completing her homework and studying, but her mind was elsewhere. She couldn't stop thinking about the party, about Benjamin, and about Andrew. The stress w

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