Chapter 53. Luna

1772 Words

Are you okay?” the queen asked worried as placed suddenly became calm. “Hey, are you getting me?” she insisted as she shook the handle of the door helplessly. “Hey, listen to me,” he said but she fighting him in vain. His grip was very tight that no matter how much energy she pull, she couldn't break free. “Listen to me… I'm going to free you now but don’t scream, don't shout” he whispered so low that even a fly couldn't get him. Regardless, she couldn't wait for everything to be over to run out of that palace. Nothing had happened since she stepped her feet there. Also, she was still trying to understand what had happened to her. “If you agree, shake your head,” he said. “Abigail, if you don't answer me now, I'm breaking this door” the queen scolded. “Okay?” Brian insistently asked. S

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