Chapter 45. There are two John

1592 Words

NB; There are two John. Sorry about that… Detective *John Stones* and Nina’s ex-boyfriend *John Hancock* ~~~~ ______________________ Benjamin called for a maid. Abigail, feeling the weight of the situation and intervened. "Not again," she protested, her voice laced with a hint of frustration. She turned to the maid, her gaze firm. "Just bring some cupcakes. That will be enough." The maid's eyes darted to Benjamin, seeking his approval. His response was curt but accepting. "Just do as she says," he replied, a subtle admission of Abigail's influence over their gathering. The maid hurried off, leaving a palpable sense of anticipation in her wake. The minutes stretched one each second passing amplifying the tension within the room. Finally, the maid returned, bearing a tray of cupcakes

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