Chapter 26 Meeting Fat Tony

1587 Words

I headed up to the fourth floor like usual to get to work. I was all smiles as I handed the guests hot towels, but no one even paid me any attention. Around midnight, Jocey suddenly called me and told me to head to the sixth floor right away! "Why, what's the matter, Jocey?" I asked in surprise. The sixth floor was sacred grounds where common folks like me were forbidden. "Mr. Tony just arrived, and I was with him. I told him about promoting you to come work on the sixth floor, so he wants to meet you in person." Jocey then lowered her voice and whispered, "Fat Tony's a busy man with little time to spare. This is the chance of a lifetime, and I've already put in a good word for you, so there should be no problem." A meeting with Fat Tony? My heart nearly jumped out of my throat right

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