Chapter 62 Falling Down

1699 Words

"Okay. Now we’ll do the acupuncture. Take off all your clothes. Autumn, leave us for now." Mr. Sassoon began to draw out the silver needles. I did not hesitate and immediately stripped naked and lay on the bed. Mr. Sassoon stabbed the first needle into my shoulder. The pain was very mild, and it lifted my spirits. About half an hour later, I looked like a porcupine with close to a hundred needles sticking out of my body. Most of the needles were around my crotch, and I dared not look at how many were stuck into my p***s. Somehow, I began to worry about what would happen if the experiment went awry. Would it ruin my p***s’ ability to function and bring about the end of my s*x life? I had not even made love properly with a woman I loved. All I had done at this point was f**k several wom

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