Chapter 21 Something Big Was Happening

1582 Words

Leslie and Peggy were passionately having s*x and completely oblivious to the fact that I was hiding in the shadows. I secretly took out my cell phone to take some high-resolution photos. Thankfully, their car’s headlights provided just enough lighting for me to snap the photos. I also took a video to record all of Peggy’s moaning in ecstasy as well. However, I was unable to capture their faces from where I was. I thought to myself, hurry up and change a position so I can get a closeup of their faces! I’ll be sure to capture your most erotic expressions! A few minutes passed, and I heard Peggy say, “From the front... Get on top of me...” Leslie quickly flipped Peggy around on top of the car, grabbed her legs then quickly got on top of her. Peggy began to moan aloud in pleasure agai

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