Chapter 28 An Impulse

1701 Words

I was sure she would laugh at me if I told her I had f****d Peggy hard in the dark little room. Jocey froze for a moment, then pinched my buttocks again. "In fact, I kind of like you. You are witty and smart. How about coming home with me after work? I live alone…” "I... still have things to do after work, Jocey." My words had only just landed when she bent down, reached from behind me, grabbed my p***s, and stroked it several times. My c**k immediately responded—erect, tall, and proud it stood. "Wow, it's huge!" Jocey remarked and gasped. She then proceeded to jerk my c**k vigorously as she looked into my eyes seductively. "Jocey, don't!" I hastily stopped her. Luckily, the elevator had arrived, and she immediately released my c**k. She tidied herself, braced up, and then walked out

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