Right Into Your Arms

1544 Words
I floated on a soft cloud,n***d and unbothered with my legs crossed,counting the dancing Freia trees above me as they hopped off the burgundy hill. One fell and veered out of the que and made a beline for my mouth.I opened wide instantly,somehow certain that it would reduce in size and fit snugly inside.I groaned in ecstasy as the rich chocolaty goodness filled my mouth and slid thickly down my throat. Oh yeah. I lifted my hand to run through the red hair on top of the head that rested on my pubic bone,caressing the tight curls in a bid to comfort as the unidentifiable person sobbed into the juncture of my thighs. "Aaaw, don't cry Keanu, it's ok," I said softly,staring at the orange-pink sky,strangely unaffected by the wrenching sobbs drenching my pubes though my words were sympathetic. Red rimmed green eyes lifted and pooled,tears spilling in rivulets down a pixie like heart shaped face. "Why don't you like me Judah?" Logan wailed forlornly,staring at me in dejection. I pushed her away and struggled to sit up but I couldn't. "You're not Keanu," I said without inflection,though inwardly I was appalled.I shoved her off me and she fell from the cloud,transforming into a gaily dancing Freia. I struggled to my elbows, suddenly desperate to move and get away from this spot.I sat then stood,the clouds like an impossibly soft carpet beneath my feet.I took a running leap and landed on the cloud above me,then hopped to the next.My skin began to tingle as if my whole body had gone numb and the blood was once more making it's rounds.I extended my stride and leapt faster,an inexplicable fear coursing through my veins and quickening my blood.It was vital that I kept running.I had to get away,I couldn't let them catch me.My breath came fast and hard,my hair whipped out behind me and my heart beat frantically in my chest, it's sound filling my head and fueling my  dread. "Judah,why are you n***d?"  The voice was disembodied,echoing hollowly and reverberating throughout my body.I quivered in terror. Ran faster on the meandering clouds. "Judah, open the door," the voice intoned and I looked back but saw only clouds endlessly floating in the gorgeous rose pink sky. For some reason the fact that I saw nothing intensified my fear and I ran harder,though my muscles burned and protested. Bang.Bang.Bang. Someone was pounding on the door. Smash! Something fell and shattered. "Jude! Jude,are you ok in there?" The voice became Keanu's and my heart began to calm. "Keanu?" I whispered,but I made no sound.The sky changed into black and the clouds swiftly dissipated,thinning out and disappearing beneath my feet. I began to scream. Crack! I opened my eyes and came face to face with the hanging silver crystals that lit my room. Huh? I felt for a pillow but came up empty. Because I wasn't on the bed,I was floating in mid air,almost kissing the ceiling. Cue pointless panic and wild thrashing. "Stupid Glob powers! How do I turn this thing OFF?!" At least I was still fully clothed. I kicked and punched at nothing,hoping the force of my frustration would restart gravity. "Jude,your floating in mid air." I inverted myself and saw Keanu who's face had gone slack with disbelief.He stood in the middle of the suite,clad in a black polo looking shirt and dark jeans that rode low on his narrow hips. I fought hard not to drool. "No,s**t sherlock," I'd apparently been running in my sleep because I saw the ornamental crystal vase that had been on the mantle In pieces on the floor.There was a beautiful oil painting that is now in ruins and I wondered how much it was worth in my world. "How did you get up there?" He mused,eyes following my every move. "I don't know,I was having this weird dream and the next thing I know you're banging on the door and I'm almost frenching these crystals." I put my hand on the top of the wall above the bathroom door and pushed downward. I was instantly propelled upward. I sighed dejectedly and floated around,wishing for Ulrik to do his flying leap thing and get me down.I also made a mental note to never,EVER let him know there was a moment I wished for his presence. I mock shuddered in revulsion. "Do you think you can control your power enough to land on your own?" I snorted and did a little spin. "What?" He asked. "You said land." "Yeah,so?" "You said it like I'm some sort of aircraft or something." "Jude!" He growled at me and little shivers danced along my spine. Dammit I thought I'd rubbed out that little Keanu madness but apparently it's sticking around. "How high can you jump?" "Not high enough to get to you," he answered,putting a hand in his pocket and the other at the back of his neck. "You've got to get yourself down before they come searching for us.We'll be late for the 'meeting'" he air quotes,with a resentful sneer. "Unless you want to be a damsel in distress and have big mighty Glob and Ulrik save your sorry female butt.Again."  "Asshole," I mutter.He knew exactly how to push my buttons. "Fine,I'll try to get down,but don't talk,ok?" He shrugged and mimed zipping his mouth closed and throwing away the key. Turning away from him,I clasped my hands like I did in the forrest and closed my eyes.I felt the weightlessness of my body as it glided through the air and thought of all things heavy.After about two minutes of intense boulder and elephant visualisation I realised it wasn't going to work.I flipped over and looked down and Keanu who had taken a seat in a chaise lounge, slumping carelessly as was his habbit.I was forever telling him to fix his posture.Eventhough I was usually slumping too. I shrugged and made a helpless gesture. "Try again." he commanded, "You can do this Jude,come on." "Alright,but I feel really stupid." He made the universal gesture of get on with it so I did just that. This time I focused on my feet and how it felt to walk,to stand on solid ground and the weight of my own body.I breathed deeply and just imagined myself on my feet in the suite. I plummeted,having only time to scream shrilly before I thudded into..... Keanu's arms. He had to have moved lighting fast to get up from his reclining position and make it underneath me to break my fall.His face was inches from mine so I could make out the gold flecks in his eyes,see the fine pores in his nose,trace the line of his lips,see each individual strand of hair in the cowlick that rested on his brow.My breath caught and I felt him tighten his hold.The hand that rested over his heart felt it's pace pick up.Mine quickened in answer as we stared at eachother,our eyes searching for a reason,any explaination for the tenuous spell that had us enthralled. Our gazes dropped to the other's lips in perfect synchronicity. His breath fanned out over my face and I licked my lips,as if to taste his exhalation on my mouth. He followed the motion intently,like a predator stalking it's prey and a fist of instant l**t punched me in my loins. I ached to be caught,trapped and devoured. I looked into his eyes and they had darkened,smoldering with barely held back emotions.He raked his gaze over my body then fastened it back to my lips. Kiss me. The thought blossomed in my brain and took root,growing exponentially and totally,to the exclusion of all else. "Aherm," the sound was accompanied by a hesitant knock. "Glob asked me to come check if you were ok,we heard a scream." Keanu hurriedly released me and turned to the door that stood ajar,with Wayne just beyond the threshold.I fell to my feet and tugged down the turtleneck self consciously. "She's fine." He said gruffly and stepped out,heading in the direction of the conference room without a backward glance. "Did I interrupt something?" Wayne asked uncertainly,glancing at Keanu's retreating form then back at me. I knew my face was flushed and I wouldn't be surprised if I'd soaked through my panties. "No," I looked for my mocasins that were on opposite sides of the room and stuffed my feet in them. "He was just helping me with something." My voice was still husky with desire and I cleared it while I braided my hair straight down my back. "I see," Wayne said knowingly,giving me a wink. "I understand completely.I thought there was something between you two," he wagged his finger at me. I brushed past him and closed the door behind me. "There's nothing but friendship.I don't know what you think you saw but Keanu's my best friend.That's all." "But of course," he replied with another exaggerated wink and a nudge. "Whatever." We walked in silence through the hallway,me recounting the timeless moment in Keanu's arms and Wayne grinning at me like I'd let him in on a big secret. I don't know what's going on with me but I've got to get a handle on it and fix it. Fast. Before I made a mess of my dearest friendship.
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