Utter Chaos

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Electricity crackled and bounced off of Ulrik,thinning out like barbed wire to pull at his thick skin,sparking as it encircled him and pumping out blinding light.Keanu and I shaded our eyes as we watched him struggle to reach a now glowing Logan. "Ulrik you must retreat! Her energy is too unstable,she has no control!" Glob called out over the din of wind,rain and clanging thunder. Keanu pulled me back and put his arm around me protectively-cue raging stomach butterflies-as Ulrik barred his teeth and tried to push farther. He appeared to be running in slow motion,his entire body sparking now,covered in strips of crackling white electricity. "He might just be more stubborn than I am after all," I tilted my head as Ulrik seemed to lose his footing and go still,then resumed his strenuous effort. Keanu grunted noncommittally and shook water from his hair. "Gives a new meaning to 'thick skin'," The electric field grew brighter and so did Logan.Her hair was now blindingly white and she began to convulse.Electricity shot out in all directions and we ducked for cover, scrambling under the table through curtains of freezing rain.  "Glob! If you're so powerful why don't you do something?" Keanu hollered,his voice insolent and angry.He went to one end of the table, crouched and walking like a crab,to where Glob had stood. "Foolish boy! I will not risk my life for naught,she is the one who brings the storm and the lightning,elements that are destructive,even for me,and my power is too great to be used against her for she will be destroyed in her vulnerable state," I crab walked to Keanu's side and looked out and up at Glob.He was inside a golden bubble that the rain fell through but somehow repelled the ropes of electric current.He gazed up at Ulrik as rain streamed down his face."My skin is as vulnerable as yours when it comes on to lightning," his features became set as if in stone, "but something must be done," he decided and stepped off within his bubble but at that same instant Ulrik gritted out an agonizing "No!" and was blown backward by a shockwave of energy,a startling starburst of white light rendering me blind for a couple seconds.Rain hammered down unrestricted now and all of Wayne's efforts were rendered futile.His precious furniture would be ruined now,with there not ring a roof anymore and all. Hope he doesn't take it too hard. I was ripped from Keanu's protective embrace and thrown backwards,skidding on the floor and coming to a stop beside an overturned armchair.The huge table was now on it's side and the entire room was in shambles. "Keanu!" Where was he?  I frantically wiped water from my face and fought not to shiver.My already battered body ached anew as new bruises were added to old ones.Thunder roared and made me jump. All this b****y rain! I can hardly see a thing. Logan was still limp but vertical now,emitting lines of electricity that thankfully didn't extend to more than six feet. The wind picked up and I had to fight against that too. I swear,I'm going to kick someone's a*s for all this trouble. Right after I get a massage. "Keanu! Glob! Wayne!" I'll be damned if I call out for Ulrik. Still,I hope he's not dead. But he doesn't have to know that. The crystals were shattered and I wasn't paying attention to my footing.I stepped on a shard and almost fell down,jumping up and down on one leg as I was. "b****y custard apple soursop!" "All this and your mind is still centered on food.Utterly apalling."  I hopped on one leg and turned to Ulrik who's skin now looked charred but seemed to be unharmed.  Pity,he could at appear to be in pain.Wgst was he made of,iron?He looked at me disdainfully,unbothered by the rain and the mayhem we were steeped in. "I stepped on a piece of your b****y crystals!"  "They are b****y because you were careless enough to step on them." He retorted dryly. I looked at him for a couple seconds. "I don't like you very much." I stated, trying to examine my pruning foot for a cut. "The feeling is mutual," he replied and walked off,stick up his butt firmly in place. I've got to send him another d**k pic later. "Keanu!" I called,walking gingerly,trying to see through the downpour and inspite of the contrast between the dark night and Logan's bright light. Hey,that rhymes. Focus Judah! "Jude!" Keanu's voice was a welcome relief and I stopped to help him up from under a pile of paintings and cushions. "Where's Wayne?" I asked,looking him over for injuries but he seemed okay. "I forgot to check for him under the pile of debris I was almost buried under," he answered sarcastically. I dropped the arm I had around my shoulders in support. "Well, you're fine," I walked past him and finally made out Glob beside the door.He was crouched,still within his bubble and mumbling something.As I got closer I saw Wayne's body on the floor.His head was gushing blood and his sickly pallor immediately made my stomach queasy.His eyes were closed and he was absolutely still. "In your sleep you'll feel no pain,where there's hurt let none remain.With the beat of your heart and the touch of my hand,you are healed so rise and stand.As I will so mote it be." Glob's hand brushed over the gushing wound and the flow of blood was stemmed,but Wayne remained unconscious and didn't stir. I knelt in a pool of water as Glob repeated his spell,with shimmering golden light this time,but to no effect. "How bad is he hurt?" I asked,softly.I'd never before seen anyone so gravely injured,to the point where they looked dead,and I felt the weight of my own mortality again resting on my shoulders. I didn't know him but I knew he didn't deserve to die like this;In another world,away from his loved ones,in a careless act of uncontrollable power. "Can't you save him?" This from Keanu who was now kneeling next to me,his face blanching when he saw Wayne's seemingly lifeless body. "I must take him away from here,to my chamber." Glob replied and gently lifted Wayne into his arms. "Ulrik," he called,turning to face he room and sought him out with his eyes. "Yes,Glob," He looked earnestly into Ulrik's eyes. "Do what you must,but get her down and awake before she destroys all of Aorta." Ulrik's only response was a quick, affirmative nod and he went to stand below Logan. Glob exited the room with Wayne and I watched him walk away. Well,I actually watched his very firm behind that was so deliciously defined by his soaked pants walk away. I think I might have a problem. In the next moment,a brilliant explosion of light overtook the room. At this rate I'll be as blind as a bat by morning. Ulrik was again attempting to retrieve Logan,except this time he was shooting purple sparks of his own and actually gaining momentum though Logan's force field was visible trying to dispel him.Thunder,lightening and wind blended together with the rain for a powerful cacophony that hurt my ears.I'm standing in a storm,shivering and unprotected,a cut on my foot, when I could be in bed. I thought about leaving them to check the wall panel in my room for neosporin. And maybe some shades. Maybe I'll give Glob a visit and ask him to work his magic on my foot after he was done with Wayne. Hmm,maybe he has a foot fetish? Yeah, I'm getting out of here,I mean I'm no help anyway.I rubbed my arms in a vain attempt to create some semblance of warmth. "Keen,I think I'm going to-" I turned to him but stopped mid sentence because his face had gone as white as Logan's hair and he was staring fixedly at the sky,unblinking though the rain was coming down in sheets. Aw,crap,what now? "Keanu! What is it? Look at me!"I gripped his arm and shook him to get his attention.  He looked down at me but I wish he hadn't.His beautiful whiskey eyes were now red and haunted.I fought the urge to turn and run. "They're coming." 

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