Settling In

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I cupped my throat,focused on gulping down air and stifling the reflexive coughing.Glob walked past me and my eyes followed him inexorably,as if he was a magnet and I was iron.Keanu lay sprawled on the floor,with his chair now on it's side, where he had been thrown.Glob offered him a hand and he looked at it like it was something he wanted to kill (I'm surprised it didn't shrivel up,turn black and fall off) for a moment,then rose to his feet unassisted and came to my side. "Are you ok?" He pulled my hand gently from my throat and rubbed my back while examining the bruise that had no doubt formed. Logan advanced in my periphery,clutching a napkin. "I've never seen anyone choke like that," she almost whispered,reaching out a hand as if to stroke my face,then snatching it back when she became aware of the action. "Yeah well," I coughed to clear my throat,my voice was scratchy and uneven," there's a first time for everything." I took the glass of water Wayne handed me and sipped slowly. The cool liquid seared my oesophagus as if it were fire,inciting another fit of coughing and prompting Keanu to thump me forcefully on the back. Which then made me bite my tongue. Which made me turn around and slap my best friend upside the head. "Stop," cough "hitting," cough "me!" cough. He held his hands up and backed away. "I was only trying to help," he said defensively and I rolled my eyes at him,wondering why my brain was dwelling on how soft his hair was. Must be some extra,transfered Glob l**t. I pulled out a chair and sat heavily,rubbing my neck and trying to work up enough saliva in the hopes that swallowing would soothe the pain in my throat. "Here,let me." I looked up in time to see Glob lean down and prop my chin up on his index finger.I was immediately lost in his iridescent green eyes. He stroked a tender thumb straight down my neck,taking his time,and the ache was immediately assauged,disappearing in a line of warmth.I stared at his eyes that were fixed on my throat until he smiled and I was lost again. Gee Whiz. That fire must be why I suddenly feel like I'm burning up. But from the inside out. "Is that better?" He was looking at me expectantly and all that came out of my mouth was: "Ah,um... gone...tha-aherm-thank you." Might as well have been goo goo ga ga.I need to get a hold of myself. Glob walked away, completely oblivious to my inner hankerings.At least I hope he was. I narrowed my eyes at his retreating back,my fingers still massaging my neck and shot him a d**k pick. Just to be sure. Hmmm,no reaction. "Can Jude and I get cleaned up before we all talk about wizardville? I mean, she reeks." Keanu pointed out,behind my chair.I gave him the stink eye but agreed. "I've gotta get out of these clothes, they're stiff with dirt and I feel like a hobo." Wayne leaned down to look at my neck then immediately backed away. "Kinda smell like one too," he says,fanning his face. Why did I like him again? I've got to revisit that decision. "Yeah,I get it,I smell." I pushed away from the table and stood. "Now where's the bathroom?" "Do you need any help? I could help you wash your hair." Logan offered eagerly,a disarming smile on her face which I found vaguely off-putting. I mean,we just met.There's no way I'm letting her touch my hair. My hands went to pull at my long tangled mane automatically as I tried to think of a tactful way to tell her FIG NO. "Oh,uh, that's fine, it's horribly knotted,I wouldn't put anyone through this type of torture." I laugh nervously when she shrugged and winks at me. "Just let me know if you need anything.Anything at all." What the heck? Glob intervenes and offers to show me my room.I follow him gratefully,pulling Keanu down to my level so I could whisper in his ear. "Was she for real? I mean who offers to wash the filthy hair of someone they've just met?" Glob leads us from the dining room and back through the long hallway. "I think she likes you," I snort disbelievingly. "Keen,stop playing," He looks down on me,an indulgent smile on his face and I have to stop myself from leering at his mouth like a creep. I must be really exhausted because my hormones are way out of whack and ping-ponging all over the place. "You poor thing.You really didn't notice that she was staring you throughout the entire meal?" I shook my head and tried to recall what went on at the table but all I could remember was the food. That peach cobbler,mmm mmm mmm that was sooo good! Oh yeah,and I almost choked to death. I shrugged at Keanu,unable to pinpoint a single moment when Logan was apparently lusting after me. Still,I was pretty preoccupied lusting after Glob,and if I'm being honest,Keanu hadn't escaped the attention if my suddenly lascivious brain either. This place must be getting to me. "I don't know what you're talking about.You've got it wrong." "I'm telling you Jude, Logan's got the hots for you.When you licked your fingers I swear she went crosseyed.It was pretty funny actually,you know,since you look like a homeless person and she's staring at you like you're an sss goddess." Keanu tweaked my nose playfully and I punched him in the arm. "Keen, you're nasty.And Crazy" "Don't tell me you're suddenly homophobic," "I'm not," I scratched my head contemplatively, "It's just.... weird.I don't think she likes me and besides,I'm not into girls." "Doesn't mean they can't be into you." He pointed out and I didn't know how to respond. By that time Glob was waiting for us at an unmarked,glossy walnut door on the right and the matter of Logan wanting to jump me was hopefully permanently put aside.I didn't know how to handle the situation if Keanu was right.What was I to do with a supposee lesbian having a crush on me in the midst of all this other crazy stuff? I felt unbearably weary all of a sudden,as if trying to process everything at once was draining all of my remaining energy. "These are your accomodations for the duration of your stay.Please,make yourself at home.Place your palm on the pad by the door and it will provide you with whatever you desire." Even you in a thong on a pole? I shook my head,glad the wall Ulrik told me to erect around my mind was still firmly in place. "Tha-thanks." He nodded at me and turned to Keanu. "I trust you can manage to suppress the urge to flee,seeing as you now have your companion nearby." He raised an imperial brow. "Maybe we'll flee together," is Keanu's defiant reply which Glob ignores. "We'll regroup in the dining room in two hours," he says and turns the ornate circular knob of my door,pushing it inward.He snapped his fingers and vanished in a dust of gold. "Quite the showman," Keanu mocks. "I'd hate him too but the fact that he's so gorgeous distracts me." I comment, eyeing my rather sumptuous 'accomodations'. "You're so shallow," he says,shaking his head and turning the knob of the door across from me. Figures that Glob would put us next to eachother. "Ha, you're one to talk," I step into the room and my feet sink into the luxurious beige carpet. "As if you were with Ashley, Amanda and Allie for their brains.I doubt any of them had an IQ higher than their b*a size." He makes a face at me and rolls his eyes. "Got jokes,do you?" Then his mouth twists into a flirtatious smile and my guard instantly goes up but I maintain the facade. "I mean....." I brush imaginary lint from my shoulder. "So I guess everything that should have been in your b*a went to your brain huh?" My mouth falls open in insult. "Go to hell Keanu Forsythe!" I slam the door in his face and turn to press my back against it,laughing when he shouts "You must be REALLY smart,right Jude?" Jerk. I hear his door close and I sink to the floor,taking in the room that's actually a swanky suite.The walls are coral pink and covered in suede.I have an entire seating area,L shaped couch and window seat,all to myself.The furniture is in varying shades of pink with the tables and throw pillows cream and peach.There is a queen sized bed,ladden with pillows, turned down and covered in a comforter that looks as fluffy and cozy as a cloud.I stand and walk over to the paneled closet and open it to turtlenecks and cotton slacks.At least five each. Everything else might be great but Opa's fashion sense is terrible.An image of Logan wearing the same outfit crosses my mind and is immediately banished,but not before making me uncomfortable. I need a bath.....but where's the bathroom? I turn from the closet and face the room. Across from me is a white door with a silver panel on the wall beside it so I guess that's my fairy godmother. I walk over and place my palm on it's surface.It lights up,a white line appearing underneath my hand going up and down like a scanner.I close my eyes and imagine a deep claw foot tub filled with bubbles,a walk in shower,marble countertops lined with all my favorite products,flat circular led lights in the ceiling,fluffy towels and a terry cloth robe. I picture the room in bamboo tones and light brown,with a heated seat on the toilet,a cushioned bench and a vanity mirror above the sink. The door clicks open as I remove my palm and I step into my realized imagination. "Holy hell." I whisper as I toe off my mocasin boots,totally ready to immerse myself in the tub that emanates the soothing scent of rose petals and citrus. I strip gleefully out of my clothes,making a mental note to burn them and hop over to the tub before my tights are completely off.I remember my hair when it swings in my face and I turn back to grab shampoo before stepping in and sinking into silken heaven.
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