A Tigers Stripes Never Change

A Tigers Stripes Never Change

kickass heroine

A young woman wakes up with no knowledge of who she is in the forest. As she tries to find her way out so she can learn of her identity, she is followed by something deep in the woods. Unsure of what to expect, the young woman learns of her true nature and not all is what it seems....

Daily updates will begin Dec 19th!

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Chapter 1
I felt warmth on my face. My eyes are closed but I could tell it was light. I breathed deeply and smelled grass and soil. The ground beneath me was hard and uncomfortable and there was something digging into my back. My body felt heavy and tired like I’d been sleeping for days. I listened to my surroundings, but other than the distant hum of cicadas, it was silent.   I opened my eyes slowly, blinking until I could focus. Trees. I was surrounded by huge, old trees that must be a hundred feet tall and gone on for miles in every direction. Their lowest branches were still high above my head.  I sat up and away from the tree I was laying against. The huge roots had made impressions in the skin of my back. Sun filtered through the leaves and branches; creating moving patterns on the forest floor. I watched them lazily at first as I massaged the places the roots had pushed against; still not sure what was going on.   I looked down at the rest of me. What was I wearing?  Black boots, black pants, black shirt under a black unzipped hoodie and all of it was torn and dirty. I don’t remember putting these clothes on. I don’t remember why I’m in the forest or why I was asleep against this tree dressed like some sad excuse for a spy. I quickly run my hands over my body, checking for injuries but I felt fine. I rubbed my head for any sore spots to see if I had hit my head. Nothing.    As soon as I thought about getting up off the ground, I was on my feet. The movement was fluid but so sudden it made me stumble. I took a look at my surroundings again when I was balanced. I didn’t recognize this place; nothing looked familiar. Trees, branches, bushes and leaves were in every direction. There was no clear path or obvious signs of where I had come from. Where the hell was I? More important though, why couldn’t I remember anything before waking up against the tree?   I started to panic as the realization hit me. I couldn’t remember. I closed my eyes and searched for a memory. Anything. But it all kept going back to the last few minutes of me waking up here. I searched the pockets of my clothes, looking for something with an explanation. But my heart sank when I felt only pressure of my hands against my body, my fingers gripping at the fabric of my pockets and pulling them inside out to reveal only lint and fuzz.    “Fuck...” I whispered. My voice felt brittle and unused.   “Fuck...fuck....fuck......FUCK!” I said louder and louder until I was screaming it at the tree tops. “What the f**k am I supposed to do now? Who the hell am I?”   The anger burned up inside me getting hotter and hotter. I searched around the place I had slept, kicking the leaves around and looking for any kind of clue....an answer....anything! I tried not to let the fear take over. I stoked the anger more and more by focusing on the stupidity of this all. Who falls asleep in the forest and wakes up with no memories and forgets who they are? I kicked at the leaves and dead branches, twigs and thorns from the bushes tore at my skin through the rips in my pants. I turned my focus on a dying log and gave it a good hard kick. It splintered immediately sending shards everywhere and covering me in a mist of dirt and fungus. Well damn, guess I didn’t know my own strength.    I brushed the dirt off my clothes and shook it out of my hair. I grabbed a strand as it floated past my face. The light caught it and I saw that it was brown. I reached up and felt my hair. It was in a ponytail...or sorta since it was kinda all pulled apart and messy. I felt for the hair tie and yanked it out, hair cascading past my shoulders. It was a light brown with flecks of blonde that caught the sun rays. It was soft and thick but matted in some places. I pulled some to my nose and sniffed it. It smelled like the forest around me, dirt was caked in the strands. But it also had a slight fruity scent mixed with a musky scent that didn’t fit with my current surroundings. I thought about what I must look like in that moment; dressed in black, covered in dirt and wood chips, and sniffing a handful of hair. A snort laugh burst out as I pushed my hair up and wrapped the tie back around it again. The moment cleared my head and helped me refocus on the task at hand. First things first, I needed to get out of this forest. Then I needed to find out who the hell I am.    I looked back around the trees, trying to get a feel of which direction I should go. I didn’t want to get lost.  I sat down by the tree I had slept under. I nervously picked at the hoodie strings as I pondered my next move. I didn’t want to just run off in a random direction. I would need food and water. Some way to track where I’ve been. I looked down at my hands. The hoodie strings here fraying and starting to pull apart. Hm. Well I could put the strings on the branches of the trees to help mark them. Tie a knot so it won’t fly away. Nodding to myself I felt accomplished already even if it was the easiest problem to fix. Next I needed food and water but didn’t know where to even start.    I closed my eyes and listened to my surroundings again. I could smell the forest, the pines, and the earth. I could hear my heart beating, my breath slowing to an even pace, the wind gently brushing the leaves on the branches, and the soft babble of a brook. My eyes sprung open and looked around but couldn’t see where the water was. How strange it sounded so close? I walked towards the direction I heard it.   As I walked further and further into the forest I started to feel nervous. The hairs raised up on the back of my neck and my stomach clenched hard. I looked for the water but again couldn’t see anything. I held my breath as I listened again. Trying to locate the water source. I continued towards the sound. After walking several minutes through the trees, I found the small rushing river. I turned and looked back from where I had walked. I didn’t realize how far it was. But when I heard it that far away it sounded as though I should’ve been a lot closer.   Hm.    I shrugged it off and went up to the edge of the water. It was clear and moving quickly, but not deep at all. I peeked into the clear water at my reflection. I had pale skin and dark circles under my eyes despite feeling I had slept for days. My hair looked darker in the shadow but I could tell it was messy. I had blue-green eyes and sharp features; my nose coming to soft point. I didn’t recognize myself and that made me a little sad.    I scooped my hand into cold stream and raised it up to my face. Nothing seemed to be wrong with it as I lifted my cupped hand to my mouth. I sipped the water first but it tasted so fresh and clean and delicious I slurped it all down.  I was very thirsty and I scooped both hands together for a bigger a cup and drank more and more, soaking myself in the process.    With my thirst quenched and my clothes soggy and chilly, I got back to my feet. I didn’t really have anyway of carrying water with me. Maybe if I followed the river it would lead somewhere where there’s people. At least I’d have water to drink and maybe I could find some food too.    I pulled a string off my hoodie and tied it to the branch above my head. I wished I had worn a brighter color or something, but based how it I was dressed I got the feeling I didn’t want to stand out. What have I gotten myself into? My stomach twisted into a knot. The hair prickling up all over my body. I had the sudden desire to get going. Staying in one spot didn’t seem like a good idea to me so I began my journey.            I walked silently beside the river. I looked around me, trying to see signs of any kind that I wasn’t out here alone. And if I wasn’t? Would that mean I was in more danger? Why was I here? Why couldn’t I remember anything? Who the hell am I? I focused hard on trying to remember something. I felt physically fine. I was young and strong. I looked at my hands. I had long slender fingers. They were clean from the water, the nails long and pointed. I thought how easily they’d be able to peel an orange. My stomach rumbled.   I switched my focus to finding food and started looking for berries. I knew it probably wasn’t a good idea to eat forest berries but I didn’t really have many options. I haven’t seen a single animal. Not a mouse or a chipmunk or a squirrel.  Birds flew up high in the tree tops. I could hear them sing and shake the leaves as they dove in and out of branches. But on the ground, it was just me.. Where were the animals?    It had to be close to midday by now as it’s been at least a few hours since I woke up and started walking. It was warm out and I had taken off the hoodie and soaked my shirt a few times to keep cool. I still hadn’t seen any signs of anything and was getting nervous that I had made a mistake and was just further away from where I wanted to be.   I paused and looked around me. I looked closer at the ground under my feet. The grass was green and rich. Flowers bloomed at random all over. I wondered idly if flowers could be edible. If I was desperate enough I’m sure I’d find out but I’m not quite there yet. As I stared through the trees I thought how endless it looked. It was just trees and trees and more trees. Was I in the center of the largest forest or what? Will I ever get out?   I urged my feet to move forward, but they felt heavy. Maybe I should rest. I was losing motivation to keep going but I knew I wanted to at least find some way of helping myself. I needed to eat something and I wasn’t above just gnawing on some bark at this point. I laid down in the grass and spread out my arms and legs. I felt kinda silly but it felt good to be off my feet.   I stared up at the sky above me. The trees blocked out a lot of the sun but it was still humid. I watched some of the birds fly around the high branches of the trees. What I would give to be able to snatch one of them out of the air and eat it? My stomach growled louder.    What kind of thought was that? Am I that hungry I would eat a bird whole and raw? I shook my head and turned away from the birds. I stared across the forest floor through the high grass.    Something in the distance flashed as though it was running very fast. I sat straight up and stared at where I had seen it. But did I see it? What did I see? My stomach knotted up again and I felt nauseous. I looked all around me but just saw the same trees.  Maybe I should keep moving. I got to my feet slowly, not taking my eyes off that spot. I started to walk briskly along the river, searching for any kind of a hiding spot. I felt exposed and out in the open. My hair raised up on my neck again and I got a weird feeling of being watched. My feet kept going faster and faster. I looked behind me several times to see if there was anything there but nothing. I felt like I was being followed. A part of me wanted to just call out and ask for help. The rest of me wanted to wake up from this damn nightmare.   That’s when I heard a twig snap behind me. It shocked me still for a second. Then a voice in my head spoke. A voice I hadn’t heard before. It sounded like it could’ve been spoken right beside me but I knew it came from within.    “Run.”   My feet instantly moved and I flew faster than ever. My heart pounded against my chest. Air pushed against me as I ran and I felt myself lowering my body and tucking in my arms to be more aerodynamic. I could hear thumping steps behind me now.    I was being chased! Something was chasing me! My nostrils flared as I picked up the pace. My boots seemed heavier as I ran. I felt like they were slowing me down. I wanted desperately to look behind me to see what was there but I feared it too much at the same time. I needed to run and run fast. The thumps were closer. My god how many were there? I wanted to scream out to someone for help!   Help! Help me please! I don’t want to die not knowing who I am.     Him   My my my….she was fast. Even with those heavy boots her feet barely seemed to touch the ground. Her body went low and she drew in her arms to give her more speed. Clever girl. And fast. She was a challenge to say the least. I liked that.   I pushed my animal faster. He was just as exhilarated with the chase as I was.   He enjoyed his time watching her from afar. Got a little chuckle out of her tantrum at the tree. She was strong too. She seemed surprised by that which snapped her out of her mood. We wondered if she knew what she was. Or did my little concoction work so well she forgot her very nature? She hadn’t shifted yet. I had only hoped it would knock her out, but now it appears it may have suppressed much more than that.   My animal slowed down a bit. He had been running a lot and was losing energy. I knew this would happen. As much as I tried I still couldn’t replicate some of the shifters traits. At the most he was at 50% of a true shifter. We slowed our pace more.  I didn’t want to lose her but she was fast and she’d certainly outrun me. I also didn’t want to scare her so much she’d shift. I didn’t have a very long time before the drug wore off completely. I needed to get her back to my lab.   I had another idea….

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