Chapter One 1860-2

2005 Words

Sarah made what she was saying sound very appealing and Daphne gave a little laugh as she added, “You are right, Sarah, I feel she cannot refuse to do what you ask.” “That is what I am hoping,” Sarah said, “and that your Godmother, Lady de Vere, will have you.” Daphne gave a little gasp. “My – Godmother? But she has not written to me or sent me a present since I was confirmed.” “I know that,” Sarah replied, “but she is very rich and, although she is getting old, she entertains a lot in what Papa said was a magnificent house in Surrey.” “I remember his telling us about it,” Daphne said. “I wrote her very much the same letter as I wrote to Aunt Elizabeth and, because I am sure she always had a tenderness for Papa, I feel she will agree to have you.” Daphne clasped her hands together.

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