"Open your eyes pet," Mariko whispers looking at her and then around their surroundings Hoda shakes her head and her eyes are closed. She yells "Take me back right this instant. You whatever the hell you are," Mariko's laugh's a dulcet tone. "Oh so let me get this right. You no-good worthless pathetic excuse for a mother and mate. The b***h that dared to call my pup a damn whore." Mariko smirks "this is coming from the one who tricked and schemed to get what she had no right to. Channing must have gotten his w***e ways from watching you. Hoda, Hoda Hoda you have been such a filthy w***e. But my daughter came to him pure and so innocent" She looks at a closed eye Hoda "Open your damn eyes, pet." Hoda opens her eyes and screams. She's turning her head to the right and then to the left.