Happy birthday

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(Aksana) “Aksana get up sweetheart” I heard Mom call. My mom’s name is Marly and she’s is my adopted mother. Bill is her mate and they are both the Betas of the Mountain Valley Pack. Before I was adopted mom and dad had a three year old son named Alex. “I’m up mom” I said walking into the bathroom to do my morning routine. Mom said she found me when she was visiting her grandma in the human city. She said she heard me crying a few feet away from her grandma’s house. She followed the cries until she found me. She wanted to take me to the authorities, but she said that the moment she looked into my eyes, she knew she couldn’t give me up, so she called her mate, Bill, and told him how she found me. After a lot of convincing from them to the Alpha, he finally agreed. Marla and Bill knew I was human, but the surprise came when I turned ten and I shifted for the first time and even after I shifted there was no scent that I had a wolf. Mom and dad said I needed to keep my shift a secret until they found out more and they made sure that Alex kept it a secret as well. Usually a wolf has their first shift at eighteen and that’s when they find their mate. When I shifted for the first time, I never found my mate, but my wolf, Moon said that it will take time. That on my nineteenth birthday, I would find our mate and wake up our full potential. I never knew what that meant and since my parents were already doing so much for me, I didn’t want to add more to their plate. I look at myself in the mirror. I’m wearing light blue dress and at the helm is white. I wore my white wedges and my hair is braided to the side with small white daisies. I go do the stairs and to the kitchen where both my parents and brother are. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” the three of them say in unison. “Thank you” I smiled as I hug both of my parents then my brother. “Happy birthday kiddo” he says kissing my cheek. “Thank you” I smiled. “We made your favorite” mom says proudly. “Pancakes with strawberries on top and lots of bacon?” I asked looking at the food in front of me. “And we also have toast with guacamole and some bacon crumbled up” dad says. “This is perfect. Thank you” I grinned. “That’s not all pumpkin. We have something for you” dad said handing me a jewelry box. I opened it and it was a gold necklace with locket. On the locket my name was written beautifully in cursive. I opened the locket and there was a picture of mom, dad, Alex, and me. “Wow, this is beautiful. Thank you” I said feeling my eyes burn with unshed tears. “We had Lidia enchant it, so if you have it on and you shift it will expand and not break” mom said. Lidia, is mom’s witch friend. They have been friends for many, many years. “Thank you. I love it” I smiled putting it on. “I got you something else” Alex said. He handed me a wrapped box and a dozen blue roses. I love roses. “Wow, I have never seen blue roses before” I said in awe. I unwrapped the box and squealed when I that the new phone. I had dropped my old phone a month back. “Thank you, thank you, thank you” I said hugging my brother while jumping which made him laugh. “I’m glad you liked it. I already had all your old stuff passed to your new phone. All you need to do is do the pin for your phone” Alex said. “Thank you Alex. This is perfect” I smiled. We all sat down to have breakfast before dad and Alex had to go on patrol. “I have to go help the pack house and help the Luna with a few things” mom said. “Go ahead mom. I’ll clean up here” I said. “Honey, today is your birthday. You don’t have to-” “Mom, it’s fine. I can do it. You go ahead” I assured her. She kissed my cheek and left. I put my roses in water, then I cleaned up the kitchen and the dining room before sitting down on the sofa to play with my new phone. Since I was full from breakfast, I didn’t have lunch. I cleaned my room then watched television for a while. When dad and Alex got home they both kissed the top of my head before going to their rooms to shower. ‘Tonight, we go outside when full moon it’s at it’s highest to unlock our full potential’ Moon said. ‘Do we tell mom, dad, and Alex?’ I asked her. ‘Yes, but they can’t tell anyone’ Moon said. Now I had to figure out how to tell them about the full potential part. “What’s on your mind?” Alex asked. “I was talking to my wolf. I need to speak to mom, dad, and you when mom gets home” I told him. “Is everything okay?” Alex asked going on big brother protection mode. “I… uh… I think so” I said, but to be honest I had no idea what to expect and neither did Moon. “Okay, why don’t you go get ready? I placed some stuff on your bed” Alex said. “Where are we going?” I asked. “You’ll know once you’re ready” he smirked. I took this time to look him over and I saw that he was wearing dark blue jeans, a black long sleeve shirt that had the sleeves rolled up just below his elbow. “You look handsome” I smiled and he grins at me. “Thank you. Now go, go before mom gets home” he said shooing me up the stairs. I giggle and rush up the stairs to my room. As soon as I get inside my room I look at the bed and my mouth drops. There on the bed was a sexy sleeveless black and burgundy bodycon dress with a zipper and beside it were round toes black thigh high boots. A squeal left my lips and I rushed to the bathroom. I quickly undressed and took the little daisies out off my braid before jumping in the shower. I washed my body, shaved, and washed my body two more times before getting out. I towel dried myself then went to my room and wore a lace thong. I moisturized my body, then I sat in front of my mirror and began to straightened my hair. My hair is naturally wavy/ curly and black. When I finished with my hair, I did my make up. I’m not so good with it since I hardly wear make up, but today I will make an exception. I did a burgundy smokey eye, eyeliner, mascara, and burgundy matte lipstick. When I finished my make up, I walked towards my bed and got dressed before looking at myself in the mirror. I was shocked. It didn’t look like me. I looked beautiful. I mean mom, dad, and Alex always say how beautiful I am especially how my violet eyes seem to always glow, something that only happens when someone’s wolf is on the surface, but my eyes have always been like this. I grab my phone and take a few selfies before walking out of my room and down the stairs where I hear my parents and Alex chatting. “Wow, I knew that was going to look good on you” Alex said. “You have grown up way to fast” dad pout making mom smack him on the shoulder. “But you still look beautiful” dad says and I blush. “You look beautiful sweetheart” mom said making me blush. “Thank you” I said as my blush deepens and everyone laughs. ‘Tell them’ Moon says. “We should go” Alex says. “Wait, before we go to goddess knows where, there is something I need to tell you” I said watching how everyone goes serious. “My wolf has told me for a while that on our nineteenth birthday we are going to come to our full potential. Tonight, when the full moon is high, something to me will happen. We don’t know what it is, but whatever it is we want you there” I said. “How long have you known this?” mom asked. “For a year now. I tried to find out what she meant by full potential, but I found nothing. I also didn’t want to add to everything you guys already have” I admitted looking at them guiltily. “Aksana, you are our daughter. Your troubles are our troubles, please don’t keep nothing else from us. It hurts us to know you can’t trust us enough to tell us this” mom said. “I’m sorry mom. It’s not that I don’t trust you all because I do, it’s why I’m telling you now. It won’t happen again” I assured them. “Okay honey. Have fun and I will see you both back here before the full moon is at it’s highest” dad said. I nodded and turned to my brother. “Come on kiddo” he said taking my hand. Alex pulled me towards his car, then he drove to the pack house that was in full swing. I noticed my brother’s eyes glaze over before he got out and opened the door for me. He helped me out and we walked to the pack house. He opened the door and I walked in. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” a whole bunch of people said making me jump, before placing a hand on my chest with a huge smile on my face. I waved shyly at everyone before they turned back to the party. “Did you do this?” I asked Alex. “It was mom and dad’s idea” Alex said pulling me towards the bar. “Four shots” Alex said. Four shots were placed in front of us. “To you my dear sister. Every minute with you is a blessing. I thank the goddess for putting you in mom’s path and giving me such a wonderful sister. I love you and happy birthday” Alex said making me look at him with wide eyes. He has never said such beautiful things to me. “I’m glad the goddess put mom in my path too. I’m blessed to have such wonderful parents and an amazing big brother. I love you too” I said grabbing a shot before tossing it back. This was going to be fun... I hope. I noticed Alex’s eyes go behind me and I looked to see Stacy, an Omega who will be eighteen in a couple of days. Alex has had a crush on her for the longest. I gestured the bartender for another shot before grabbing Stacy by her wrist. She turns to me and smiles widely. “Happy birthday Aksana” she smiles. “Thank you. Will you do a shot with us?” I asked and she bit her bottom lip. “I have homework to do. I just came by to wish you a happy birthday” she said. “Thank you, but it’s just one shot. It’s my birthday and don’t worry, Alex will take care of you” I said and her eyes go to Alex who was blushing. I swallowed my laughter since the only time I see Alex blush is when he’s around Stacy. “Okay” she said and took a shot. “To Aksana, may the Goddess bless you in many different ways. Thank you for being a wonderful friend to me even though I’m an Omega” she says. “You better than anyone know that I don’t care about ranks. Plus without Omegas this pack wouldn’t be able to function. Plus you’re the one who befriended me even though I have no wolf” I lied on the last part about not having a wolf. “What’s not to like? You’re amazing and see the best in people. Happy birthday” she says and the three of us downed our shot. We call for twelve more each taking four before going to the dance floor. I dance with my brother and his crush for about fifteen minutes when I started feeling the effects of the shots and I realized those weren’t regular shots but a Whiskey that’s made by wolves. “Are you okay?” Alex asks. “I’m fine, just hot” I said. “It’s the whiskey: Alex said and I nodded. “I’m going to grab some water. Have fun dancing with your crush” I winked at my brother. “Keep your phone close” he said and I nodded. I walked to the bar and asked for two more shots and a bottle of water. After downing the two shots I began to drink the water when my wolf began to pace and the scent of freshly baked cookies filled my nose.
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