Not Backing Down

1447 Words

(Aksana) I watch as the pack trains. They have become so much better since the last time I saw them train. I’m very surprised by the Omegas and teens. As I look at them I noticed that there is potential here in case some Omegas want to become warriors. I hear laughter and I look back to see my mate and ex mate laughing. I arch an eyebrow before looking at my friends before looking back at the group. ‘Maybe we can talk to Cory about the possibility of making some Omegas warriors if they wish’ Moon said. ‘Do you think he’ll go for it?’ I asked her. ‘He’s trying to change. Maybe if we run it pass him he might think about it’ Moon said with a shrug. “Oh s**t, you broke my nail” Ariana screeches making me cringe. “Oh come on Ariana it’s just a nail, you can get it fixed later” Paula

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