Lose it

1618 Words

(Aksana) As I finish breakfast King Dominike walks in with my mate. They seemed to have been in a deep conversation, but stopped as soon as they enter. My mate walks over to me and kisses the top of my head before sitting down next to me with a cup of coffee. “Good morning everyone” King Dominike smiles. “Good morning your highness” we all say in unison. “Please call me Dominike or Dom. There are no formalities in my household” Dominike says and we nod. “How did everyone sleep?” Dominike asks and I take this time to loos at my mate. ‘You were gone early’ I linked him. ‘I’m sorry baby. I have a lot of work to do’ he said and I sighed. There he goes again with the ‘I’. “I hope you can join me for a tour in the in the city and see what we have” Dominike says. “I would love to”

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