Second Chance Mate

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(Aksana) I got up and walked to the dress on the bed. It was beautiful, and you can tell it was expensive. I mean come on, this is Layana's clothes we are talking about. Of course, everything is expensive. “This is a sexy sweetheart semi sheer mesh draped rhinestone fringe mini dress” Layana said then reaches inside her bag and takes out a pair of beautiful high heel sandals. I know Layana and everything she has is expensive and when she doesn’t say anything about the sandals, it confirms it. I take out my phone and take a picture of the shoes, and it confirms it when I see the information. “Layana, these are Jimmy Choo Vinca Crystal Tasle Stiletto sandals. These shoes cost twenty three hundred dollars”, I said before putting them back in the bag, but she took them back out. “Actually, they cost three grand when I bought them, and I’m sure you can wear them for one night” she said, taking them back out. I groaned, but I knew this was a conversation I wasn’t going to win with her. I got dressed and wore the shoes. When I looked at myself in the mirror, I had to admit I looked good. Training with the pack has done me good. My body is toned and my long, toned legs are on full display. My hair is in a half up, half down style in its natural waves and I have a few pieces loose framing my face. My make up was natural with just a little of silver glittery eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, and naked lipstick. I run my hands along my sides. The dress showed my curves perfectly. “Damn girl, you rock that dress better than I ever did” Layana said. She grabbed my phone and we took a few pictures. We then left the pack house and went to her car. I sent a picture of myself to my parents and brother. My phone vibrated with a notification. I looked to see it was mom. Mom: You look beautiful sweetheart. Have fun! Dad: You look breathtaking pumpkin. Have fun and stay safe. Then a text came in and it was from my brother. Alex: Damn sis, you look beautiful. Take care of yourself and be careful. If anyone crosses the line let me know. Oh, and congrats on becoming a royal warrior. I’m proud of you. I said thank you to mom and dad and that I loved them. Then I texted my brother. Me: Thanks Alex. Don’t worry, if anyone crosses the line, I’ll put them in their place and then tell you. I’ll call you tomorrow. I love you and say hi to Stacy for me. “We’re here” Layana said. I put my phone in my clutch and got out of the car. Layana and I walked to the entrance and I could smell that the guard guarding the door was a wolf. He looks at Layana and then at me before slightly bowing to Layana and opening the door. I could hear a few people protesting as we walked inside. The moment I stepped inside, I could smell the alcohol, sweat, and s*x in the air. “Let’s go have a drink” Layana said, pulling me to the bar. “I’m underage” I said to her. “Relax, the bartender is a wolf” she said. The bartender came straight to us. “Four were-whiskeys and surprise us with something strong but sweet” Layana said to the bartender, who then looked at me with what looked to be lust. He nodded and got to work on our drinks. We quickly got our drinks and Layana handed me two shots and a red looking slushie with a strawberry on top. Then the bartender pours some dark red liquid on top. “To you becoming a royal warrior. I know you’re going to kill it” she said. “To you and soon becoming a lawyer” I said, making her blush. She has been working very hard, and it’s the first time she has come home for spring break, and now she’s going back tomorrow. We both drink our shots before grabbing the other drink. I looked at it as Layana took a sip. “Oh wow, this is good” she said, taking another sip. I took a sip and the sweet strawberry taste took over my taste buds, but there was something else I couldn’t put my finger on. I do have to agree with Layana, it’s amazing. I turn and look around just taking in everything and where the exits are in case of an emergency. Just then, Beta Jared, Oliver, Omar, Laura, Javier, and Janice walked towards us. “Beta Jared” I bowed my head in respect. “Just Jared, Aksana. We’re here to have fun”, Beta Jared said, and I gave him a firm nod. “Damn Aksana, you look hot”, Oliver said, making me blush. “Thanks Oliver” I said. “How about we all take a shot to welcome Aksana as our new warrior” Laura said. “Sounds good” Jared said. Jared ordered the drinks and two bottles more for the VIP are where he is. “Your brother is here. We’re in the VIP area” Jared told Layana. “Okay, we’ll be up later. We want to head to the dance floor first” Layana said, making the others nod in agreement. We all did our shots before Jared gave me a hug as a welcome, then took his bottles and left, but there was this amazing scent that clung to Beta Jared. “Let’s go dance” Layana said, finishing up her drink. I quickly drank mine before she grabbed my hand and pulled me to the dance floor. ‘You belong to me by Taylor Swift’ came on. “Oh I love this song” Layana said, and we all danced, but I felt as if I was being watched. I stopped dancing and looked around in warrior mode. I noticed a few males looking at us, but for some reason my wolf and I knew it wasn’t them, then I looked up, and my eyes locked on a pair of glowing gold eyes in the darkness. I couldn’t see anything but the eyes and I knew it was those eyes I felt looking at me. The moment I looked up and looked into those eyes, I lost my train of thought, especially after I heard my wolf say the word I never thought I would hear again. ‘Mate’ Moon howled in my head. My eyes flashed and fear overtook my body. Whoever my second chance mate is, he is going to reject me just like Cory. I noticed the person’s eyes widen with shock. Was my mate disappointed in me? My heart pounded in my chest as many different questions rushed through my mind, so I did the only thing that came to my mind. I took off like a bat out of hell. I felt like a coward running away from my second chance mate, but I wanted to savor the feeling of being blessed by the goddess one more time before he rejected me. Maybe this rejection will end my life. My legs felt like led, and suddenly I fell to my hands and knees breathing as if I had just ran a marathon. ‘Go back to mate’, Moon whines. ‘I- I can’t. What if he rejects us like Cory did? What if he says I’m not good enough? What if he sees how I really am on the inside?’ I asked my wolf. ‘Aksana, you are beautiful, smart, lovable, caring, and just above all, a wonderful person’, Moon says. ‘That’s not what I mean, Moon. What if he sees how shattered I am? What if he doesn’t want me after he finds out we had a pup in our belly?’ I asked, trying to catch my breath, but I felt like I couldn’t catch it. I felt like everything around me was closing in. ‘You need to calm down, Aksana’, Moon says. ‘I- I’m trying’ I whimpered as I felt my hands turning into claws. s**t. s**t. s**t. This can’t happen again. I’m alone in the middle of nowhere. I quickly took off the dress and shoes, not wanting to rip Layana’s clothes. ‘M-moon’ I called, but my voice felt far away. ‘Try to take deep breaths’ she tells me as my vision began to darken. An intoxicating scent of sage, lemongrass, and lavender filled my nose. It was the same scent Jared had on him. Knowing this was my mate’s scent, I quickly stood, not wanting him to see me like this… half shifted and in a middle of a panic attack, but as soon as I stood, my knees gave out. Before I could hit the ground, strong arms wrapped around me making delicious sparks run up my body. I opened my eyes to see bright golden eyes looking at me before everything went black. ***
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