It’s cold, and I am wet. I can feel rocks against my back. My eyelids are heavy, and there is this awful pain across my eye that makes it through the overall numbness in my body. “Are you sure it’s here?” I can barely hear the noise over the sound of running water underneath me. It’s familiar. “Yes, the forest told me.” That’s Bianca. They are getting nearer. “Did it give you better directions while it was at it?” Julian. I want to get up and scream for help. It’s no use. I am drained. My face is a combination of numbness and fire. “Shut it, Julian. I-“ “Over here!” This voice I don’t know well. It’s female, it sounds young. Maybe twelve or thirteen? Someone lifts me up. I blink. My vision is too blurry. I can make out dark hair framing a small face. “You are alive, good.” Sh