getting answers

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ADONIS POV After the debacle at the hospital, I made up my mind that Nicolette was going to be safe. The earth was going to burn for what was done to her. I put her in my room with the door open. We used the connecting door to go into Sebastian’s room. “So what did the doctors say Ad?” Sebastian asked while sitting on his bed. I rubbed the back of my neck, looking out the window. All of our bedrooms were set up the same. Custom beds that can fit six people in them easily. Thick carpet to hide any noises that could be made. En suite bathroom with two sinks, separate shower, and a deep bathtub. A huge walk-in closet that had a couch in there to sit on. Big bay windows to look at the gardens below. The only difference was the painting. Sebastian’s room where they were now was more ocean-like. Mine was forests and trees, darker. Michael’s room was the mountains. I wanted to talk in Sebastian’s room because he had a giant mural of an angry sea with an old pirate ship on it on one wall. I liked it a lot. Today, though, it did little to calm my nerves. I went over to the side table where I picked up the picture of the four of us. We all had the same picture in various places. I rubbed my thumb over the cool glass of my sister’s face. My brothers looked at me expectantly. I knew that Michael was most likely going to lose his s**t. “Concussion, broken nose, three chipped teeth, rope burns on her wrists and ankles, bruising around her throat, face, other parts of her body, 4 cracked ribs, sprained knee, her feet are cut and have stitches, bite marks on in her inner thigh, Cut marks all over her body and two cut marks that look like whip marks on her back. One black eye.” I finished softly. “Madre de dio (Mother of God).” Sebastian said, “Was she Violentata (raped)?” “No, that is quite literally the only thing that didn’t happen. She probably escaped before they could. She is a smart girl.” I said softly. “Why and who?” asked Michael as he processed what I had just said,” Do they know they just signed their own death warrants? Who is staying with her and who is going to the scantinato to get the info?” “Mikey, you will stay here with her. Sebastian and I will go get the information.” I said with determination, “She will probably have nightmares. You are too volatile to get near the prisoner.” Just as we were about to part ways, I heard the last thing I wanted to hear. Nicolette screamed a blood-curdling scream, and then started to cry. We all looked at each other and ran into my room. We all talk softly to Nicolette…. She starts to calm down with all of us talking. It’s going to be a long night. Once she was calm again, I looked over at Mikey who was stroking her hair lovingly and softly. “Bro you want coffee or energy drinks? It’s going to be a long night.” I said, looking at him. “I feel like this is going to be a long night for all of us.” “It’s going to be a long few days.” Mikey says, “Do me a favor and keep him alive, so I can have my turn. Whatever happened to her, will be done to them. We know there are at least three. We have one and two more. Just need to find out if it was their idea or if they were working for someone. Either way, they are dead.” Sebastian looks at Nicolette, “Our strong one needs us. She is so important, and she has no clue as to why. I love her so much.” “We all do. I’m just glad she’s adopted and no DNA is involved.” Michael said with a dry laugh. He lovingly places a kiss on her head. “She’s calm now. We are going to the basement to get information. If you need us, push the button.” I tossed a box on the bed, along with the remote to the TV. “It might help to put on her favorite music so she can settle down.” Mikey nodded and tried to figure out a way to hold her. I could see it in his face. I never thought in all my days I could or would see him as gentle as I have with her. We have all changed. Changed for her. She has brought out our good sides. Now though, I'm going to tap into my dark side and get some answers. Sebastian and I head to the basement where our little x-ray tech is waiting for us. As Sebastian and I headed to the basement, we changed out of our nice white shirts and put on shorts. All of our tattoos are on full display. We both walked in. The guy is zip tied to a chair in the center of the room. “So whose brilliant idea was it to kidnap our baby sister?” I ask. “I don’t know. I was hired remotely. I will tell you everything I know. Just please don't kill me. I have a family.” The guy said, begging. “So do we. She’s suffering upstairs, suffering. So tell me in your own words what you know, and maybe you will get to live.” I saw low.“Well, I got an email that said they would wipe out all my student debt. All I had to do was this one thing. There was a girl, right, and I was supposed to take her from this one place and put her in another. There was a picture emailed to me with a..a…location, time and place of where to be. It seemed easy, so I agreed. I got in over my head. When I realized what they were doing and what their plans were, I helped her escape.. Please don’t kill me. I’m so sorry.” He began to cry. “Not as sorry as you're about to be,” Sebastian says, and he hits the guy across the face. The guy grunts and shakes his head, clearing his mind and spits out blood. I laughed evilly. “So when did you realize that the girl you had helped kidnap was my baby sister?” “The first night. I got curious and did a facial recognition image. She showed up in some pictures with all three of you. I knew the Caprisi name as it’s all over the hospital. I started to figure out how I could get her out.” The guy started to cry and struggle against the restraints. “So you grew conscious after you figured out who's sister she was,” Sebastian says. There was a knock at the door. Sebastian went to answer it. Tony leaned in. “La tua esigenza al piano di sopra (Your needed upstairs). It’s urgent.”
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