1032 Words
She hung up as I smiled and felt happy at the news, my life was going smoothly until my mind came across that dude. That jerk. My mate! No way in hell will that stupid jerk ever be my mate, I would never ratify such a thing like him, just the impression of him makes my blood boil. Abruptly, I heard my phone ringing and I stood up from the couch, seeing the phone number, the ID shows that the line is from their school, my kid's school. I wonder what happened, I'm not owing any bills, am I? I picked up the call and answered it. "Hello,' I said. "Are you Mrs Athena, and Eyolf's mother?" "Yes, I am.' I replied, feeling strange. "Your son knocked out everyone in school with his pheromones, we are currently running some tests and we need you immediately." I went pale that instant. Running some tests, what tests? My thoughts ran wild years back at my clan back then, when my pheromones came out of me, I knocked everyone out and then a famine came upon us, making everyone suffer terribly because of my powers. No, let it not be what I'm thinking, not my son too. Let it not be what I'm thinking, has my past come back to haunt me? No, the universe shouldn't do this to me. "Are you still on the line, Mrs Athena?' "Y…Yes, I'm…I'm still on the line.' "We will need you at school immediately, your daughter is also included.' "Oh, no," I muttered. "I'm coming right away, please wait for me." I hung up, didn't care about my appearance, picked up my bag and ran out of the house with tears pouring down my face. Cathwulf's Pov. While strolling to the building, glancing at my wristwatch at the same time, hoping I'm not late for Elsa's opening, mom was supposed to be here, instead, she forced me to take her place. Nice try, I shook my head. Then I noticed two werewolves fighting each other and a lot of children surrounded them and were crying for them to stop fighting. A young boy and that was my mate's son, I think his name was Uno right? "You finally changed into your form, let's see who's stronger here, judging by your eyes, you must be cursed." He laughed sarcastically and grinned, stretching his hands. "I am not cursed, Jack, insult me one more time, I will blow up your f*****g brains and don't you dare get close to my sister." Eyolf glared at him, panting and struggling with himself and he screamed in agony. Was it his first time shifting? He looks like he is in great pain. "Who's getting close to your sister, that cheap Omega, who can't lift a thing but run her mouth." "Shut up, Jack, she's not an Omega." He gritted his teeth, morphing into his white wolf form and so did Jack shifting into his brown wolf form as they both attacked each other, collided, and tearing at each other while avoiding the other. Jack swiped at Eyolf's cutting a gash in his ear, which he barely noticed, biting into Jack's unguarded shoulder. The werewolf howled, trying to shake him off. He tried to hold fast, but soon his teeth lost their grip and he flew back, knocking into the crowd of wolves. The werewolves jumped back, snarling and encouraging him to get back up. Jack fumbled to his paws, his ears flat on his head, smearing blood on his copper coat. He stood on his back hunches, barking at Eyolf. "What makes you think a newbie like you can defeat the Alpha?" "I'm also an Alpha, idiot.' He said in wolf speak. Jack snapped, launching himself at the white werewolf. Eyolf smiled as he leapt over Jack and snagged his tail. He yelped as he was yanked backwards and thrown into a thick tree, cracking his ribs. He fell to the ground with a thud, breathing heavily and wincing from the effort. He sauntered towards him, a smirk implanted on his muzzle. Soon he was towering over Jack who kept his head down but snarled in a warning. Eyolf paid no attention, raising his paw to finish the pathetic werewolf when he suddenly was shoved aside by me. I had to step in or else, these two would throw themselves at each other and tear each other apart. "STOP BOTH OF YOU," I yelled. "Must you guys rip each other, what's the issue huh!" They both changed into their usual form and I quickly took off my jacket since they were both naked and covered Eyolf. The moment I caught him in my arm when he almost fell to the ground, his eyes were closed and he seemed to be burning in his body. Why was he so hot? He was panting and then, I saw the principal running towards me panicked. "What happened here, Mr Cathwulf?" Before I could say something, someone else did. "UNOOOO." I traced the voice, it was… Athena. She ran towards me in tears and grabbed her son away from my hands. "Eyolf, Eyolf.' She called several times and the nurses came along to take Eyolf away from her, wanting to check up on him, on the other hand, Kiara was also included as well and we all moved to the infirmary with my little sister, Elsa. Athena sat down shaking her feet while tapping them on the floor. I felt sorry for her. The principal must have called her after seeing the fight between them and I also heard that his pheromones knocked out everyone in the class. Was this the first time shifting into his wolf form? I sighed, my gaze falling on Athena and unconsciously I touched and patted her shoulder. She raised her and stared at me, forcefully pushing my hand away from her shoulder. "What the f**k do you think you are doing?' She snapped at me. "I'm not doing anything wrong, I'm just asking and wanting to make sure, you are okay…" "Well, I didn't ask for your help, cut the crap and f*****g leave me alone,' she shouted angrily at me.
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