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I stayed in the mansion with his family but I was told to change positions and stay in the attic. They didn't want anyone to know what was going on, especially letting people see the cursed Omega with them, which could ruin their reputations. And the woman beside him who was glaring at me the whole time, was his fiancée, Morgana. She was another evil witch that I know will make my life a living hell and it happened, I was right. The maids were told to wash me and make sure I was cleaned and dressed properly since my heat should be happening anytime from now. No one had ever satisfied me in my heat, no one was there to help me and I always went through it in agony and pain alone. Since I was to be in heat, it was the perfect time to mate with Derek. I was in tears throughout the time the maids were washing me and once they were done with me, I was moved to Derek's room. I was about to enter inside when I saw Morgana in front of me with her arms across her chest. I was frightened but I avoided her face and went inside and slept with Derek. He was so rough on me, demanding that I give him an heir as I turned into a lifeless tool beneath him, he did what wanted. I became a slave in my mate's mansion, did all the dishes, did all the chores and did everything they asked of me and I worked day and night. My back was killing me but I always tried to pull myself together as I cried myself to sleep every night because of my parents. Yet, anytime I remember my parent's sacrifice, I try to have hope and pull myself together, telling myself that I will surely find happiness. Someday. "You bitch." She snarled. "How dare you?' She walked closer to me and gave me a sound slap across my face, flickered at me, but I just stood there like a doll and did not say a word to her. I didn't intentionally pour the glass of milk on her expensive clothes. It was a mistake. "Are you sick in the head?" She shouted She was an attractive lady in her late twenties, more than five feet tall, light Gold hair, piercing black eyes, pointed nose, she had this oval shape in her complexion, flawless skin. She had all the right curves in the right places, had tattoos on her back as well and she was an Alpha. I heard she was the daughter of an Alpha, who was my mate's father's best friend. She was quite attractive and I partially envied her because of my mate with her stupid face. He knew a good thing when he saw one. No wonder, he was obsessed with her. "Get out of here,' Morgana shouted at me. "I don't want to see your disgusting face in front of me and leave my fiance alone, discerning you alone is getting on my nerves." She yelled and pushed me to the ground, hitting my butt. I winced in pain. I could feel my eyes welling up but I just stood up from the ground with my tattered dirty clothes on me and stared at her. "Why are you staring at me with those evil eyes of yours huh.' I knew why she was doing this to me. "I'm not meeting your husband or neither am I getting close to your man. I don't have such intentions, Morgana, even though he is my mate." I simply stated and received a hot slap across my face again. I held my cheek. They weren't even married yet and she was already claiming him and besides, he doesn't give a damn about me. "How dare you call me by my name, are we now on the same level for you to utter my name out of your filthy mouth now? Are you nuts, are you stupid? Is your brain leaking or something? Have your evil eyes showed you something else huh, slave." "I'm sorry…" "Sorry, what?' she interrupted. I swallowed. "My Luna." I gave a slight bow before her, I heard her scoff as I closed my eyes shut. "Don't call me "My Luna" because I'm not your Luna but the Pack's Luna, do you understand me." "Yes, Luna.' I said with my voice cracking and getting teary at the moment. "The next time I see you, sniffing around my husband and trying to use your scent to make him come to bed with you, I will plug out your eyes with my claws, understand me." She snapped. When did I use my scent on him? If I could charm him to come to me, I would be doing that in seconds. "Yes, Luna." I replied. "I hate you." She uttered with scorn. "I wish you were dead." *I hate you, too* I wanted to say, but I went mute. Only the moon goddess knows what will happen to my life. If I should, let out such a statement in front of her, I will be hanged on a pole with the pack throwing stones at me till my death comes to take me away because I insulted my Luna. Witch. Not my Luna, the pack's Luna and I wouldn't be able to defend myself because I can't shift into my wolf form or neither can I use my powers too. I was going through hell, Derek never gave a s**t about me. My mate is always by Morgana's side. He was always cold, distant and never neared me, since we've bonded. He was always sleeping with that witch, torturing me to death. And the w***e was always moaning out loud and didn't care to keep her voice down. I wanted to go downstairs, to get some chores done and what I saw almost threw me off my feet. "Ah! Ah! Haha! Derek, go faster!" She moaned, eagerly moving up and down his length.
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