34. Bad Moon Rising.

1469 Words

"Come in peace or leave in pieces”  ―   Sherrilyn Kenyon, Bad Moon Rising Adam’s POV: The drive up to Blue Moon, was excruciating.  I couldn’t think of anything I wanted to do less, all I wanted now was to be with Isla.  I drove through the gates and I was instructed by one of the guards, Brandon that Connor was looking for me.   This is all I f*****g needed now.  I was trying to think of something to say to him.  I stopped at my mother’s house first because I knew something happened and just wanted to prepare myself. I got out the truck and went in to see my mom, I was troubled, because I knew what ever happened can’t be good.  I walked into my mom’s house, but I couldn’t find my mom or Erin anywhere.  I was really starting to get worried now and decided to drive straight to the

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