1864 Words

"Grandfathers know a lot. I know this because I am a grandfather and I feel like I know a lot of things, and frankly I'm rarely wrong. " - Blaine Pardoe David’s POV: So, the day finally arrived we were going to meet my grandfather. We drove about 2 ½ hours to my grandfather’s cabin up in the mountains. Driving up to the cabin there was all these signs saying Danger, Enter at Own Risk, Beware. I was starting to feel really uncomfortable. I just had to remind myself that this was my grandfather the man who raised my father, but I felt Anxious in meeting him. The drive up here had been deathly quiet. You could cut the tension with a knife inside the car. Isla was the first to speak after the drive of silence. “Maybe we should have called first” I looked at Isla and she looked really ne

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