27. ADAM

1630 Words

Adam's POV: I didn’t care what I had to f*****g do, but I was getting to Isla today, after the call from Anthony and Jackson last night, nothing was keeping me away form her, what was she thinking? I know when Isla and her family get something in their f*****g heads there is no stopping them, but f**k what are they thinking. After what Anthony told me about Bane, he could f*****g kill them all, the guy sounded dangerous. I just wished they would stop being so god damn stubborn and listen to the rest of us. As I came into the house, Erin and my mom were sitting at the table having breakfast, Erin has started to look a lot better since she is under the care of my mom, she has picked up some weight and most of her bruises has healed, which means her wolf is feeling a lot stronger. I wa

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