38. Best laid plans

1518 Words

"The devil fools with the best laid plans."   -    Neil Young Erin’s POV: After my little nap, I felt more relaxed and I was a lot more focussed.   I knew what I had to do, I just have to get it done.  It was almost 7O’clock now, so I knew I had to move to get to the pack house and deliver the letter, off cause anonymously.  I went into the kitchen and volunteered to make Aida’s tea. “Evening Aida, can I get you some tea” “Oh, thank you very much Erin, I would appreciate it.  I am a little tired after checking on all the mothers today.  I think I’m getting to old for the healing, I should ask for an apprentice to teach the healers ways too” “Here, you go.  I’m sure at some point you’ll get the right apprentice” “Yes, I’m sure” Aida drank all the tea, I heard her walk to her room

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