22. The Blue Moon Pack:

1527 Words

Erin Pov: I felt really uncomfortable with our drive to Blue Moon Pack.  First of I was driving with the Beta and secondly I wasn’t sure if I could trust him.  My first priority would always be my brother, I will do all it takes to safe him, and if that means I have to go against their plans and betray them, I honestly will have no problem doing that.  He is all I have left of my family and I will safe him even if that means I have to sacrifice myself and them.  Don’t get me wrong I am hoping that their plans will work out, but if it doesn’t, I have a plan of my own. Our drive to the Blue Moon Pack was  in complete silence, I got the feeling Adam also had a lot on his mind. We drove into pack lands and they just let Adam through, when we stopped at the gate, Adam shouted some instructi

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