
But I Am The Keeper

supernature earth
special ability

I reached out to wipe away the tear, but my fingers lingered on her cheek longer than they needed to and soon, my thumb was simply, yet gently, sweeping back and forth against her already dried cheek.

It accidentally brushed her lip. I paused. My eyes instantly flicked from her eyes to them. Pink. Soft. Warm.

I leaned in, momentarily flicking back up to notice her carefully analysing my every movement.

"Don't move." I whispered. She shivered slightly in response, then her eyes slowly closed.

I kissed her.


A story of Love, loss and power.

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The Black Diamond Amulet
Previously on But I Rejected You Suddenly, Granpa G walked in.... “We’ve long awaited the promised child. Hail Raylee, the Keeper of the Star and Moon.” Allison’s POV Ryder and I glanced over at each other shocked. Our daughter is a Keeper? While my mind was still processing this information, the hospital doors swung open again. This time an old lady on feeble legs, gripping a walking cane, emerged. “I’ve been waiting on this day, she is finally here.…. Now, I can close my eyes in peace.” Then she turned to leave. “Wait!” I called after her. “I don’t understand.” She looked over her shoulder as she opened the door, her voice shaky from old age. “She shall banish the darkness to us and help restore light to us.” Then she left. “That was Anna, the prophetess.” Granpa G whistled in admiration, his eyes still glued to the door where Anna last stood. A giggle from a now awoken Raylee in grandpa G’s arms, recaptured his attention. “Yes, my Keeper Lee, she is cute right?” Raylee cooed like a pro conversationalist. “Yes I know, don’t worry, grandpa… well, great grandpa, will always protect you.” Ryder and I just watched with loving eyes at the two specially bonding. *9 months Later* “Ryder, Ryder! Come quickly…. She’s about to walk!” Dashing down the stairs, toothbrush still hanging from his mouth, Ryder came with eyes full of anticipation. “Look, look!” I pointed as Raylee pulled herself up against the couch. She momentarily released it and took her first step. Ryder grabbed her, throwing her in the air. “yeahhhh Lee, daddy is so proud of you” he was barely audible, but Raylee’s smile seemed to suggest she understood him quite well. “Ryder! She was walking. Why did you pick her up?” I pouted with folded arms. “Sorry, sorry” as he chuckled, he placed her back on the ground. She stood and as if simply pressing the resume button, she took her next step. She was just 9 months, an early milestone achieved. We stared in awe as another step followed, her gaze roaming the room as her melodious giggles filled the atmosphere with her little hands clapping in delight as if she was proud of herself. Just then, *knock, knock* there was a knock on the door that startled us all, including Raylee, causing her to lose her balance, but she fell without a sound, without a tear. As expected, Ryder quickly rushed to her aid. *Knock, knock* the knock came again. “I'm coming!” well I had to, because Ryder was clearly preoccupied with ‘daddy duties’. I opened and much to my surprise, standing there, at the door, was an elderly man, his body slightly bent and face sagging due to the pull of age. He smiled, his laugh lines becoming more prominent around his mouth and eyes as he watched me. “Who’s it love?” Ryder called as he made his way to my side. The man’s eyes flicked in Ryder’s direction, an even broader smile replacing the previous one. “There she is... the precious little one. The Keeper.” His eyes twinkled with hope as he stared at her. He reached into his bag and pulled out a Black Diamond necklace. “Take this amulet, it shall protect her from the darkness all around. Please keep it safe, for darkness seeks to destroy it.” “Not to be rude or anything.....” Ryder paused, awaiting an introduction from the old man before continuing. “Simeon.... The name’s Simeon.” “Right Simeon, not to be rude, but I think I’m well capable of protecting my own daughter.” Simeon kept his hand outstretched, the amulet still dangling between his fingers. “This is beyond your control. The powers of darkness lay unrested, evil lurks near by. Only the Keeper can defeat the darkness, but she must first remain protected.” I took the amulet and invited him in amidst Ryder’s protesting glare. “Is there more you can tell us about her destiny?” He accepted my invitation, bowing his head several times as he proceeded. “The ancestors are among us, I can feel it.” Just then Raylee giggled. Simone looked over at her and chuckled. “With dimmed eyes, I no longer see them, but she does.” “My child sees ghosts?” I questioned in disbelief. He took a seat on the sofa as he nodded. “She’s a Keeper, they all do, but we prefer to call them spirits.” “But you.... Are you one?” With a chuckle he replied, “No, I am but a Guardian of the Keepers. Your grandmother, on your mother’s side, was the greatest Keeper, now, she has chosen your daughter.” “So why didn’t she choose me before? By now, the darkness would have fled.” “Because your sister was to be the Keeper.” “My sister?” “Has your mother never told you of your sister... mercilessly murdered by darkness? “ My mind went back to the book ‘The Return Of The Wolf'. I remembered she had lost a child. I looked at Simeon and nodded. “I remember reading her diary. She mentioned it but the book said it was Falcón's doing.” “Well, he was merely a pawn in the hands of darkness, a soul sold to evil for the price of revenge. When your sister died, your grandmother cast a protection spell upon your mother’s next child.... You. Before you were born, your fate was decided, you would be under the Star’s protection and your mate would draw his strength from the moon, once in contact with the Star.” I glanced over at Ryder as Simeon continued. “For now, only those who seek the promised child, to bless her, will know who she is when they find her....until she comes to age. So keep this amulet safe, for if darkness ever possesses her......” Simeon paused and shuddered at the thought, not bothering to complete his sentence. “This is the last of its kind, forged with the remaining strength of your grandmother’s great spiritual powers, before darkness took her life. There’s no other like it, please protect it.”

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