10 Is She Your Daughter?

1479 Words
Kayla's POV "Hey, I had a feeling you'd agree! Now, Harrison, with you as my best man, my wedding is bound to steal the spotlight in the entire werewolf world!" The serene bridal boutique suddenly resonated with a male voice. As I sat on the sofa in the waiting area, waiting for Amber's change of wedding dress, that familiar name reverberated through the air. Before I could even slip into Amber's fitting room for cover, I locked gazes with Harrison, who had just entered the lobby. Accompanying him was another gentleman. When it came to appearances, this man was just as dashing as Harrison, yet exuded a completely different kind of charm – a warmth that contrasted with Harrison's icy and commanding aura. Harrison's features were sharply defined and stern, often emanating an air of aloofness. However, this man possessed a handsome countenance tinged with a hint of gentlemanliness, casting a more inviting presence. I vaguely recalled this face. This man had been Harrison's close friend since their school days, and their bond was quite intimate. Was his name Pike? Or perhaps Peter? My memory faltered slightly. But I did recollect him mentioning his upcoming wedding recently... I shifted my gaze toward Amber's changing room. Could her groom-to-be possibly be this friend of Harrison's? I assessed the man anew, this time with a skeptical glance. He, too, cast a few brief glances in my direction before diverting his attention elsewhere. Instead, he exchanged a knowing look with Harrison. "I knew you'd say yes, because of her," he said with an air of satisfaction. "No need to jump to conclusions. I just felt it would be a shame not to be your best man. After all, this is my only shot at it. Nobody else would invite me except you," Harrison responded, his expression devoid of emotion. "No explanations necessary, my friend. We've been buddies for so many years. I understand you," the man reassured, giving Harrison's shoulder a reassuring pat before following a store assistant's guidance into the lobby on the left. So, the VIP lounge was now occupied solely by me and Harrison. Oh, and the swarm of store staff who had gravitated toward Harrison. It was around two in the afternoon, and the store was still open during its regular hours. However, as soon as Harrison entered, the store staff put up a "closed" sign outside the bridal boutique. They elevated their private service to exclusive booking mode. The remaining staff members also flocked around Harrison, and without needing his prompting, they brought out the newest suits and hung them on the accompanying rack, eagerly waiting for his selection with the utmost respect. I was taken aback. Anyone unfamiliar with the situation would likely think that Harrison was the groom coming in for a fitting. Harrison seemed to have the ability to read minds. In the next moment, he frowned at a row of suits, and with a slightly impatient tone, he said, "Just take them all in, let Peter choose." Then, in a somewhat uncomfortable tone, he added, "After all, he's the groom." "Haha, Harrison, you can go ahead and choose, don't be shy!" Peter came in, wearing a new suit as he stood before the mirror, meticulously checking the sleeve cuffs. Once satisfied with his attire, Peter turned around, raising an eyebrow as he looked at Harrison. "This time, the most expensive and handsome clothes will be given to me first." Harrison's reply was equally cold. "You've got it wrong. I've always worn custom-made suits." "You..." Peter shook his head. "Kayla! Look! I really like this dress..." Amber hurried into the lobby in her new wedding gown, speaking rapidly. Clearly, the engaged couple hadn't expected this encounter. They stood in the lobby, gazing at each other in surprised silence. At the next moment, Amber turned and pulled me along, her hand gripping her dress as she rushed toward the changing room. "Why are you running away?" Peter's low laughter echoed from outside the door. "Get out of here." Amber said through the door. "Who told you to come try on clothes today? It's considered bad luck for the groom to see the wedding dress before the wedding. Don't you know?" "What's bad luck about that?" Peter patted the door, asking with a deep tone. "I didn't think you'd care about details like that." "I, I didn't care about it." Amber pressed against the door. "Anyway, you can't see my dress." "It seems my fiancée is a determined woman. Miss Newberry, I admit I know you came here today to try on a wedding dress, which is why I'm here as well. And I brought my best man. I'm sorry if this bothers you. But I don't think you need to avoid me. After all, "Peter paused and became a little more serious," the next time we see each other is at a wedding. You should get used to seeing me." Inside the fitting room, Amber's face went pale. Her chest heaved rapidly, whether due to Peter's words or the tightness of the gown's waist restricting her breath. I quickly helped her to sit on the sofa. "So…" I gestured towards the fitting room door, "this is your fiancé?" "Yes, the second son of the Rufus family." Amber let out a deep breath, her breathing gradually steadying. "Can you believe it? Today was only the second time I'd met him." "What!" I exclaimed, taken aback. Seeing my astonished expression, Amber thought for a moment before adding, "Actually, if you think about it from a different perspective, it's not such a bad thing. My family can help him become Alpha, and his family can help stabilize and strengthen my Pack. It's a win-win situation. Plus, Rufus isn't bad looking, is he?" "You've grown up. Six years ago, you wouldn't have said that," I remarked. "We're not kids anymore. The complexities of this world far exceed our imaginations." I responded, studying Amber with lingering concern. "He doesn't come across as a bad person and seems to possess more responsibility than he outwardly portrays. He appears as a gentleman, but there's a layer of intricacy in his gaze." "I'm aware and sense it. Someone willing to embrace an arranged marriage and aspiring to become an Alpha won't be a simple individual. But as long as he adheres to our agreement, I don't see a reason to demand more, do I?" Amber looked up at me. I found myself momentarily speechless. Six years ago, we had once envisioned love and weddings together. But six years later, our love was entangled with so much helplessness. "Anyway, let's uplift our spirits. This is my life, and I'll navigate it," Amber said with a smile. "How does this dress look? I really like it." Finding the topic somewhat heavy, Amber stood up and walked to the mirror in the fitting room. She slowly twirled around, then looked at me expectantly. "Well? How does it look?" "Well... it's lacking something," I pondered for a moment, then knocked on the door. "Do you have veils and crowns in the store?" "We do, but they're in a separate room. If you wish to try them on, I can have my colleague fetch them for you to choose from." "No need." Amber, already somewhat fatigued, immediately interrupted at the mention of "choosing." "Just let Kayla pick one. I don't want to go out and see my fiance. Can you help me?" "Sure." I readily agreed and followed the store assistant out of the fitting room. After a brief period of noise, the lobby had returned to tranquility. Harrison sat on the couch, engrossed in flipping through a bridal magazine. His aura, both aloof and commanding, made the store assistants who had previously flocked around him wary. No one dared approach him now. I glanced at Harrison's stern profile and instinctively lightened my steps. "Mommy! Your new dress is so pretty!" A clear and crisp child's voice shattered the tranquility. Harrison abruptly raised his gaze, first looking toward Daisy, who was running towards me, then locking eyes with me. His icy gaze froze me in my tracks, rendering me unable to move. I wasn't the only one affected by Harrison's cutting gaze. The store assistants trembled, wary of provoking him. Everyone knew Harrison hated interruptions and noise. But Daisy was unaware of the change in atmosphere. She stood beside me with a cheerful smile, touching my dress, and then repeated her question. "Mommy, will Amber also prepare such a beautiful dress for me?" With my head bowed, I could still sense Harrison's gaze upon me. "Uh, yes, sweetheart." I bent down, taking the opportunity to grasp Daisy's hand, intending to lead her into Amber's room to avoid any further awkwardness. However, Harrison didn't afford me that chance. "Is this your daughter?" Harrison took a step forward and inquired.
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