4 Intoxicated Harrison

1333 Words
Kayla's POV The bottle rolled and clinked against the car door, and the rich red liquid spilled out, staining the floor. "Did you pick out this dress? Huh? Who were you originally planning to meet?" "What?" I recoiled slightly, looking at Harrison's furious expression with a mix of fear and confusion, utterly uncertain about the cause of his anger. "And where did Kelowna touch you? Your chest or your legs?" Harrison suddenly grew agitated. He undid his cufflinks and rolled up his sleeves, exposing his well-defined, sun-kissed arms. He then reached out and firmly grasped my chin, forcing me to meet his gaze. A yelp escaped me due to the pain, but Harrison wasn't done. His hand trailed downward, stopping at my thigh. "Did he touch you here?" Harrison's palm pressed against the inner side of my thigh. "No! Don't do this!" "Kayla, spare me the innocent act." Harrison sneered, his gaze becoming even more intense as he struggled to control his anger. "But I know you, Kayla. You enjoy these games, don't you?" Harrison pushed me down onto the backseat. "Like six years ago when you walked up to me, claiming you could smell your mate's scent on me." "Or after graduation when you disappeared overseas without a trace." "Oh, you like catching people off guard, don't you?" "I don't understand what you're saying! Let me get out of the car! Sob..." The atmosphere inside the car grew charged with tension. I can't stay here any longer. His words and expressions pushed me to my limits. "It hurts." His grip on my wrist loosened, and Harrison sat back, adjusting his slightly disheveled shirt. His gaze remained fixed on the backseat. The suffocating silence returned, but his breaths were louder. I dared not make any noise that could further provoke him, and I held my body stiff in its posture. "Your methods don't work for me anymore." Suddenly, he spoke again. I looked up to see Harrison pull out a freshly packaged shirt from a box and toss it to me. I inspected the shirt. Its fabric appeared similar to what Harrison was wearing, devoid of any branding or logo. However, the exquisite packaging hinted at its hefty price. "No... I..." I hesitated, but Harrison abruptly leaned down, firmly grasping one of my ankles. "Has anyone ever told you that high heels aren't your thing?" Instinctively, I tried to pull my foot back, but his grip tightened. I then realized my foot was swollen and red. He removed my high heels and placed my foot onto the luxurious fabric of the shirt. "No..." I instinctively tried to retreat. "Don't move. I'd rather not repeat myself. Now stay still. I don't want to hear any more noise." Every word Harrison spoke was impossible to defy. I could only gradually relax my body and let my foot rest on the silk-like texture of the fabric. The car fell silent. Rain had started to fall, the drops creating a rhythmic tapping against the windows. In the otherwise hushed environment of the car, the warmth emanating from the shirt, akin to the one on Harrison's clothes, alleviated my tired and anxious nerves. In this serene setting, the alcohol I had consumed at the party began to cloud my mind. I couldn't resist the encroaching drowsiness, and I slowly closed my eyes. …… "Ah... damn, it hurts..." The searing pain that radiated from my calf jolted me awake. Blinking away sleep, I struggled to adjust to the dim lighting in the room. Where am I? I pushed myself upright, trying to piece together the events leading up to this moment. I had recently returned to the country, lured into an evening soiree by my father, only to be threatened and verbally abused by Kelowna. After that, Harrison had taken me away... Wait, something's missing... Daisy! My daughter! In an instant, full alertness flooded me. Ignoring the throbbing in my leg and my disheveled appearance, I hastily looked around for my phone. My phone screen lit up right then. I hastily unlocked it, reading a text message from Nathan. "I'm with Daisy. She had a sudden heart palpitation, and I rushed her to St. Paul Hospital. Contact me once you've read this." What's wrong with Daisy? Panic consumed me. Throwing aside the covers, I paid no heed to my disordered clothes. My sole focus was on leaving as swiftly as possible. "Are you awake?" A deep, masculine voice sliced through the air, nearly making me cry out in surprise. Harrison was lounging in an indulgent manner on a plush couch. His taut, muscular right arm was draped over the golden armrest, occasionally swaying the whiskey within his glass. The tinkling of ice against glass created a resonant melody in the otherwise serene ambiance. "Harrison..." The moon hung aloft in the night sky outside the window. The curtain intercepted half its light, casting a gentle glow on the left half of Harrison's face. Yet, his right side remained enshrouded in darkness, veiling his expression from my view. I gulped, attempting to maintain my cool composure. "Thanks for helping tonight, but I really need to leave." Harrison remained silent, the heavy scent of alcohol wafting from him a few meters away. "It's late. I won't bother your rest." "What's the deal? Don't you want to see me?" Harrison raised his hand, draining the last of the whiskey from his glass. "No, it's not that..." "Not that? So why the hurry to leave? Got other plans?" "I..." My mind raced to Daisy in the hospital, leaving me unsure of how to respond. Harrison took my hesitation as confirmation. A snap echoed, and a splatter of liquid adorned the white wall as the whiskey glass shattered on the floor. Harrison, saturated with both alcohol and fury, marched towards me. He grabbed my throat, pushing me back onto the bed with force. "Meeting other guys?" "Cut it out, Harrison!" I struggled, managing to prop myself up a bit, but Harrison pressed me down again. "Cut it out?" Harrison's face was dangerously close. Accompanied by his cold laughter, a potent wave of alcohol surrounded me. "Kayla, you still think we're mates? Who do you think you are? Want to be my mate and then just vanish?" "No, Harrison, I actually..." I wanted to explain everything tonight, but my anxiety was overpowering. Daisy was still waiting for her mom at the hospital. I had to be there for her. "Harrison, I have to leave now. Thank you again. Emergency at the hospital..." "Listen up, Kayla, no games." Harrison forcefully interrupted me. He pinned my wrists, his grip unyielding, and his weight pressing me down on the bed. "You thank me? I want payback now." Fury burning in his eyes, red veins coursing through them, he seemed ready to unleash his inner wolf to tear me apart any second. Harrison's overpowering alpha aura dominated me. I shut my eyes, shivering as his alcohol-soaked lips pressed against mine. The wet sensation traced from my neck down to my chest. But Harrison wasn't satisfied. His hand slipped between my legs, his palm brushing the inside of my thigh, inching deeper and deeper... "No..." Our relationship wasn't supposed to morph into this. A tear rolled down my cheek. Harrison's kiss came to an abrupt halt near my cheek when he tasted my tear. He withdrew his hand from beneath my skirt and positioned them on either side of my head. The silk sheets beneath me bore evidence of dampness. Those were the tracks of my tears. Harrison paused for a few drawn-out heartbeats, then relinquished his hold on me. He rolled over, settling on the edge of the bed, and meticulously began fastening his rumpled shirt. He shot me a glacial, penetrating look. Just when I feared he might resort to further methods of humiliation, Harrison strode over to the wardrobe and retrieved a bundle of pristine white fabric. He tossed it onto my lap. "Get dressed and get out."
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