Chapter 3

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ELOISE I woke up in the morning, fully conscious of what happened last night. Despite being wasted, I remembered Mr. Suit chauffeuring me home while Jenna played the doorman and guided me to bed. The car mix-up was embarrassing, but the real concern was how I allowed a stranger to take charge of my helpless self. I never let those kinds of situations happen to me. Who knows, I could have ended up with some psycho taking advantage of my drunken state. It was reassuring to think I wouldn't meet Mr. Suit again. Jenna was casually sipping her coffee and flipping through a magazine at the kitchen counter. She had been my housemate for a couple of years in the apartment my dad gave me. She used to work in my department until she found another job that suited her experience. But even after leaving the company, she stayed in the apartment with me. Living in such a spacious place alone could get lonely. Of course, I didn't ask her to pay for the rent, but we shared the household expenses. My head was pounding like crazy, and I felt dead tired, but I had a jam-packed day at the office. "Oh, you're up." She closed the magazine she was reading. "What happened last night?" I groaned. "As if you don't already know. You were the one who opened the damn door for me." Her eyes widened in surprise, followed by a big grin. "I'm starting to be wary of you. They say when you're wasted, you won't remember a damn thing." "That's bullshit. People just pretend not to remember to save face after acting all stupid." "Yeah, I've pulled that move too. So, what happened? Why didn't Nick give you a lift? Instead, you had the pleasure of that sexy male specimen?" Jenna grinned. I shared the story of Nick being an asshole and the car mix-up and downplayed the rest. "That's pretty much it. I'll be heading back to that restaurant later to retrieve my car." "I'm really sorry about Nick. I shouldn't have skipped the background check. He seemed alright until you dropped that bomb," she sighed. "It's not your fault, but I swear I'll never go on a blind date again," I vowed. "Still, I initiated it. Anyway, I can drop you along the way," she offered. "Thanks, but I better hurry. I'll head to the bathroom first." "Alright," she replied. "Oh, and about last night... never mind." She brushed it off with a shrug. Today was a big day because it marked the arrival of the new bosses. The managing directors for the marketing and creative departments were stepping in. Generations Entertainment Inc. was about to change management after the firm became a subsidiary of an even larger parent company, Sebastian Pictures. There were no grand entrances, welcome parties, or fancy events. They were just going to waltz in and start working like usual. Rumor had it they were dispatched from SP headquarters, one of the US media and film industry giants. I had always wondered what it would be like to work for them, and now, here they were, about to bring their influence to our workplace. We rolled into the office right at eight. With our heavy workload, Ms. Craig, my senior art director, expected us to be there by eight. I strutted confidently past her office, and she kept her trap shut. Around ten-thirty, she called her two juniors to come to her office. Trina and I wasted no time and headed straight there. Ms. Craig stood behind her desk, chatting with someone who seemed casually interested in the portfolios on the shelves. "Good morning, Ms. Craig," Trina greeted her and then flashed an excited grin in my direction. Ms. Craig returned our greeting with a smile. "Ah, there you are. I'd like to introduce you to our new managing director for the creative department." She stepped aside, giving us a full view of the person she had been conversing with. Instantly, my heart tightened in my chest. "He's one of the big shots who joined us from Sebastian Pictures' headquarters. Say hello to Mr. Chase Cromwell. Oh, I'd also like to mention that the CEO of SP is visiting our offices today," Ms. Craig added. I instantly brushed off the news about another important figure coming today. Someone was standing right in front of me who had already had my heart shattered into a million pieces for my damn cousin. Chase f*****g Cromwell. "Good morning, ladies," he greeted us with a charming smile. I swallowed hard. He was even hotter and sexier than before, blindingly so. Facing him like this was unbearable. Why did fate have to play with us? "Mr. Cromwell, these are my two favorites, your junior art directors, Trina Jackson and Eloise Walker," Ms. Craig introduced us. "It's a pleasure to meet you, ladies," he said, extending his hand to us. Did he still recognize me? Had it only been six years? "I'm Trina Jackson." Trina cheerfully shook his hand. "I-I'm Eloise Walker," I stuttered, glancing at the floor. "Eloise Walker, of course," he responded. I bit my lip. The attraction was still there, lingering between us. He gently shook my hand, and I felt an electric current pass through me even as he let go. "Ms. Walker is someone I knew before," he informed everyone. How could he say it so casually? I had no interest in letting them know about our history. Ms. Craig and Trina glanced at me curiously. "From college," I told them, which was half of the truth. "Oh? That must be quite a surprise for you, Ms. Walker. Or did you already know?" Ms. Craig inquired. "I had no idea," I answered honestly. "Very well, Mr. Cromwell," Ms. Craig said, flashing me a peculiar smile. "They will assist you with everything you need, as I mentioned this morning." "I see." He nodded. "Unfortunately, my company will be late. You can introduce them again when they arrive. Can you handle that?" he asked Ms. Craig. "Of course, sir," Ms. Craig replied. "You may leave," he dismissed, but his eyes fixed on me. "Except you, Ms. Walker," he added. "May I have a word with her, Ms. Craig?" "Sure, Mr. Cromwell." They exited the room, leaving me alone with Chase. Trina shot me a meaningful smile before leaving. Honestly, I had been waiting for this moment to come, but now that it was here, I realized I wasn't ready to face him again. "How are you, El?" he asked, looking into my eyes with sincerity. "Don't call me that," I snapped. He let out a sigh. "It's been a while, Eloise." "Yes, six f*****g years with no explanations. But I guess I don't deserve one, right? Congrats on your shiny new position. I guess I should start looking for a new job." "Don't be like that." He sighed again, clearly getting frustrated. "You knew it wasn't like that." I let out a bitter laugh. "Oh, really? So, knowing that I turned down my dad's money, you conveniently found comfort in my cousin?" "I've already told you it wasn't like that!" God, why the hell did I even start? I was just so mad. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought that up. Is there something else you wanted to discuss, Mr. Cromwell?" I said, trying to steer the conversation in a more professional direction. "How have you been after you left New York?" he asked, his tone sounding concerned, but I found it hard to believe his question. This was so messed up. "I'm doing fine, I guess," I replied coldly. "You have no idea how worried I've been about you. Honestly, I'm both surprised and relieved to see you here. When did you come back?" "And what about you? How's life been living off Zoey's money? I heard you still haven't proposed," I taunted. "Cut it out, El," he snapped. "No?" I smirked. "Looks like guilt has finally caught up with you." "I've worked my ass off for this, Eloise," he shot back. "Through my blood, sweat, and tears. And I've already paid her back for the money you're talking about." Suddenly, a knock echoed from the door. "Well, good for you," I snapped, brushing off the interruption with a sarcastic smile. "Can we wrap this up? I've got a million things to deal with." "Why are you acting like this?" "Like what?" "Don't act like you feel nothing for me. You've been asking Kenneth about me." Kenneth, Zoey's brother, apparently still kept in touch with me. I told him to keep his mouth shut. "I asked about both of you. There's a difference," I muttered. "And I don't feel a damn thing about you," I lied, afraid that I might appear too obvious. "You know I never loved Zoey, but you never trusted me." "Yeah, and yet you're still happily together," I scoffed. "I'm out of here, and please—" The door swung open, catching our attention. "Sorry, man. They said you were already… here." Oh, crap. The timing couldn't be more perfect. It was Mr. Suit, the last person I wanted to see, glancing at me and then back at Chase.
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